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Not doing well....Need some help

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    Not doing well....Need some help

    My story starts about three years ago with what was diagnosed in the ER as a temporary case of vertigo. I thought I was having a stroke so immediately went to the hospital. Those symptoms passed quickly and I went on with life. About a year or so ago I started felling dizzy while driving but learned to cope. January of this year the vertigo came back and I was having consistent dizziness and small scary attacks with panic attacks and anxiety. I went to the doctor and they put me on a water pill but the dizziness continued. I then realized I had better go see an ENT as I read about Meniere's disease. He tested me for Meniere's (can't remember the test but they blew air in my ears) and gave me a hearing test which the results were consistent with the disease so they called it Meniere's disease in my right ear. I was prescribed valium but the vertigo continued and it became constant so I went back to the ENT who ordered an MRI. The MRI showed no vestibular tumors but he said I had white spots in the front and back of my brain and set me up with a neurologist. He told me it could be MS. This was about 6 weeks ago. Suddenly the vertigo disappeared and I didn't pursue. Well Tuesday of this week it the vertigo returned and has hit me with a vengeance only now my balance is extremely wobbly and I have no strength in my legs. Trouble walking and holding myself up.

    Finally what I am really asking and I need someone to give me a straight shot and don't try to make me feel better because I need honest opinions here. Does it sound like I am having stages of MS develop or is it that I am just having more Meneire's attacks? I am very scared because I am having a real hard time functioning in life right now.....

    Please help if you can
    Thanks in advance


    Welcome to MSWORLD Mr. Writer.
    Mr. Writer wrote: Finally what I am really asking and I need someone to give me a straight shot and don't try to make me feel better because I need honest opinions here. Does it sound like I am having stages of MS develop or is it that I am just having more Meneire's attacks?
    If you have insurance that covers an appointment with a should pursue it. Most of us keep a
    log of when symptoms occur, how long they last etc to take to appts.

    We do not offer dx's here...just support and suggestions regarding what works for some of us etc.

    There are alot of caring folks here and hope for the best for you.

    Good Luck!
    ~life has ups and downs...I try to go in circles~
    dx'd rrms in '97


      Originally posted by Mr. Writer View Post
      Finally what I am really asking and I need someone to give me a straight shot and don't try to make me feel better because I need honest opinions here.
      Hello Mr. Writer.

      If anything, I am a straight shooter

      I suggest you make and KEEP an appointment with the neurologist. Even if you are feeling better keep the appointment. If it is MS, it's common for symptoms to come and go.

      Your symptoms could be caused by MS, Meneire's, or something else. Without proper testing by a neurologist you will never know.
      Diagnosed 1984
      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic



        Vertigo is my main symptoms for relapse at this point.



          Hello Mr. Writer

          Welcome to the MS World Forums.

          Sorry you are going through the bouts of vertigo.

          That is good feedback from Anomali and Snoopy. Only a professional can determine what is causing the vertigo.

          Let us know what the neurologist finds. You have our support

          Take care,
          PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
          ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


            Thanks for the response everyone. I really appreciate all the kind words. Looking around I learned a lot of things here tonight and I wish everyone the best always. Wonderful site!

            I called the neurolgist office today but they were out. I will call them on Monday . Honestly I know I should have kept the previous appointment. I was a little scared and when the dizziness stopped I had hoped it would just stay away for a while. I should know better by now. The ear is not really acting up now so it probably isn't MD that is back. This is different.

            I'll be back to let everyone know how things go...
            Appreciate the support


              Mr. Writer - Welcome to MS world. I am glad that you found us. I am sorry you are not feeling well.

              I also have vertigo so i know how it feels. It comes and goes when it wants to. It drives me crazy. You have been given some good advice.

              Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing and when you go and see the neuro. Also i encourage you to look at the limboland thread. That is a thread that i start every Tuesday. It is for people who are not diagnosed yet. I hope that you take a look. (((hugs)))


                Oh boy

                I have been dealing with this off and on for the last 3 years. There was a time when it lasted over 11 months but not everyday. It has just been recently that Ive only had one or two small episodes since Feb. I had stopped taking Copaxone every night, and within a few days was almost 99% better. I just know I have both Menieres and MS, but keeping a daily journal may be the only way to know which is causing the problem. Then take it to the dr. and let him read it. I have lots of problems around smells, weather changes, allergy type things, fatigue (not enough rest) etc. Anything can set the vertigo off, I dont like it when I have no excuse and it just happens. It has been better lately. Im going to try doing the shots every other night and if gets worse then I will go off of them. I take the Maxzide water pill and that seems to help. Also Valium 2 times a day (2mg) and that has helped. Good luck with whatever you choose to do! Ill say a prayer for you as I know how annoying this can be!


                  Vertigo can be from many sources. Sinus problems, flu, ear problems....

                  Why not keep the appt. I know it's frightening, but we can't tell you if you have ms. One thing about MS is that it can be like many diseases symptomatically.

                  The neuro can check you for other similarities and wouldn't it be wonderful if he can rule out MS. We'll be rooting for you...get things going and let us know...Diane
                  You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


                    The weekend is almost over and I am still dealing with the balance issues and the vertigo. I am having the sensation that I am walking on a boat. My troubles are small compared to most here but I am still so depressed. I was real bad yesterday so I took 4 mg of valium and it seemed to help the dizziness. My problem now is I have to go back to work tomorrow. I have a 40 mile commute to work and 40 back and by the time I make that drive I am wiped out even before I put in my day. Luckily I am on a computer all day but with meetings and such it makes it tough to even think of how I can get through it. I have already missed a lot of work and they are not very accepting of my issues. In fact they think I'm nuts I think. I need to think about disability I think but can't even fathom the idea since I am only 43 years old.

                    Something I failed to mention in my original post is I am just getting over a mean case of poison ivy and took my last predisone dose today. I fear that will make things worse for me now that I am off the steroid. On the flipside I can't help but wonder if that might have triggered all this back again. I understand I haven't been dx for MS but can't get this stuff out of my head. I have two small children who are scared to death because they know dad is sick and the wife is a mess.

                    Why me.....

