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    Hello new here

    Hello everybody,
    My story is long but I will try to keep it short and thank you for caring enough to read. It started in 1997 after i was rear ended by a drunken driver. I had a vision loss,double vision,speech impaired,left hand and fingers shaking and bad headaches. They did a MRI and said I had MS. A couple days later I was sent to a neuro and he said I had a few lesions on my brain and than did all the MS tests and they all came back neg. He said I had a stroke instead.

    Over the next 11 years I have struggled with vision loss and double vision and numbness. In 2008 I was sent to a new neuro and had an MRI that showed 3 lesions on one side 2 on the other.Well she did all of the tests to rule out MS and they all came back negative. She said it the lesions were from smoking but I had not smoked in over 10 years, I did'nt like what she said because it did'nt give a reason for the symtoms I was having. I than lost my job and insurance. Well because of other injuries over the years I became disabled and finally got SSD and medicare.

    In Oct. 2010 my pcp ordered a new MRI and now there is 15 lesions on one side and 20 on the other and it also said I had a Dawsons Finger. So off to a new neuro and all the test even the Lyme came back negative, he than told me it was from high blood pressure but he never asked me what my BP was because if he did he would have found out it was well controlled and even low enough for me faint while trying to stand. Well a couple of months ago I started with extreme fatigue my left pinky went numb and the toes on my left foot went numb, than I started having horrible muscle spasams, double vision so bad I could not drive.

    So I asked for a new neuro and went to see him Monday. After going over my previous MRI's and doing some tests in his office he came in and told me that I did indeed have MS and probally had since 1997 and right now I am having a relapse only this time it is so bad I am having trouble walking and never have been in so much pain all over my body. He has started me on provigil and sent me home with a stack of papers and said to pick a medicine to start treatment with. I only have medicare and looked up the prices of the meds, my medicare will cover $2800 a year in scripts and the first month will wipe that out and all of the other meds I need.

    Right now I am scared out of my mind. The stress level is so high I am and have been comtemplating taking my own life which I fear because I have tried to in the past and now know what I did wrong. I am trying to think of anything I can to be positive but I am feeling like this MS is the nail in the coffin and only needs for the hammer to come down. I don't want to live like this if anyone can words of encouragement or what you might have done if you have gotten to this point in life with this disease. All I ask is if anyone can, PLEASE HELP ME and yes I do truly believe in God and pray for comfront from him and ask him to stand beside me through this.

    Besides the MS I also have spinal stetnosis,4 degenertive disk,a deformed hip from birth that also has an impingment and arthrithis in it and last but least a form of schofrania and depression. I feel like a walking science or medical project. Well sorry for this being so long and let me get some of what is going on off my chest as I have no one to talk to or that will understand what I am going through. God bless and thanks for feedback

    **Post broken into paragraphs by Moderator for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print.**

    Hello Max


    So sorry to learn that you're going through a very tough time. You've come to a good place to share what you're going through.

    He has started me on provigil and sent me home with a stack of papers and said to pick a medicine to start treatment with. I only have medicare and looked up the prices of the meds, my medicare will cover $2800 a year in scripts and the first month will wipe that out and all of the other meds I need.
    There is help for your medication expenses. Here is some info on prescription assistance and funding:

    Right now I am scared out of my mind. The stress level is so high I am and have been comtemplating taking my own life which I fear because I have tried to in the past and now know what I did wrong. I am trying to think of anything I can to be positive but I am feeling like this MS is the nail in the coffin and only needs for the hammer to come down. I don't want to live like this if anyone can words of encouragement or what you might have done if you have gotten to this point in life with this disease. All I ask is if anyone can, PLEASE HELP ME and yes I do truly believe in God and pray for comfront from him and ask him to stand beside me through this.
    I understand your being scared. I'm sure you are feeling overwhelmed right now. It's possible that your relapse will subside, and you will feel better, so try not to give up. Too much stress is not good for anyone. Maybe sharing here, and reading the posts will help some. You won't feel so alone.

    Besides the MS I also have spinal stetnosis,4 degenertive disk,a deformed hip from birth that also has an impingment and arthrithis in it and last but least a form of schofrania and depression.
    If you have a therapist/psychologist for your mental issues, could you possibly call and get in to see him/her? When I was going through a rough time, I saw a clinical psychologist which was very helpful.

    We are here, and maybe we can help you get through this. Please feel free to ask questions, and share your concerns. We have some great supportive members who will be glad to offer support and encouragement.

    And something that many of us find helpful too is trying to take each day as it comes, one day at a time. Just get through today....

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Hi and Welcome...

      So sorry to hear how hard things are for you now. Don't give up!

      I've had MS for 20 years and although there are days I just don't want to deal with it all anymore, I try to focus on the things I am grateful for.

      Give it to God, he will be here for you. Do you know of the Footprints poem? Google it, I always find it encouraging when I feel I am at the end of my rope.

      Praying today is a good day for you and tomorrow is better.
      Opiegirl, Dx 1991
      Have never used DMD's.

      LDN 9/2011-9/2012 & just started again 6/14
      Estriol 9/12-present
      Still Hopeful.


        Hello opiegirl...

        I was so taken back when I read you're post. Yes you have a lot going on and I'm sure it seems overwhelming at times, but coming here was a great move.

        The people are so supportive and you don't have to feel alone with all this. I have not nearly the issues your dealing with, but plenty in my own right, as most here do. This is a good first step to connect with others, many who have felt your despair at times too.

        Keep coming here for support and reach out to your local MS support groups. It’s a great way to connect with people and also a great support system for related MS support things as well.

        Keep praying and believing, take everything one day at a time. There is support out there. Glad you're here.
        1st neurological event 5/29/10. Dx 4/29/11. Avonex since 8/20/10. Age 41 & still smiling.
        Because we have hard times, we really know how to appreciate the good times


          WELCOME!!!!! sorry if this is the second post, power went out. sorry about all your issues. i have a few myself, but not as many as you. funny, i have also referred to myself as a 'walking science project". my dx took 7 years, so i can relate tothat too. wow, we have alot in common. good luck.

          MS World

          PPMS DX 2001



            Maxi, so sorry to hear all you're going through. we can sympathize but we all can't empathize this is true. praying for comfort is a fantastic idea. also try praying for serenity, wisdom, and patience. we don't the meaning of the path of life we walk. lay some of your burden down. and keep your head up.



              You've come to the right place for help. The people here are great and have tons of information for you.


                Welcome Maxi, and you will find this forum to have lots of useful information. Many of the companies have programs for people who have problems affording their drugs. Your neuro's office should have the phone numbers that you can call for information about these programs if they don't have the information themselves.
                Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."


                  hi maxi
                  rarely do i post here.guess i feel i dont have

                  much worth saying but reading your post moved me.first

                  off i could've written it,the science project comment the

                  depression the suicide much of what you wrote i have

                  felt which i am sure alot of us have.

                  you can get

                  assistance for the meds. i think all the drug companies

                  have programs for low incomes at least i know copaxone

                  does. talk to your neuro or the ms society.people are

                  eager to help if you ask them.

                  I hope you are getting help for your depression.there is

                  no shame in taking antidepressants.I take them.its a

                  chemical thing in the brain.some say its a ms

                  thing.Maybe talking to a psychiatrist or a psychologist

                  would be beneficial sometimes its comforting to talk to

                  someone who doesnt judge and listens well

                  well i better stop now ill be thinking of you
                  Blessed be

