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WO WO Vertigo!

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    WO WO Vertigo!

    Hi All!

    So, I've been experiencing bouts of vertigo on and off for about 2 years now (diagnosed with MS Dec 2010). I've learned to "deal" with it (at least it doesn't freak me out anymore!).

    Fortunately for me, when I have it, it's usually a sudden "surge", and it goes away as quick as it came about - within seconds. Sometimes these "surges" come and go several times througout the day for several days, and sometimes it may only happen once or twice in a day, and not happen for a few days or a week or so.

    I've actually been feeling better, more energy, etc., for the past couple of months (yay! ), so I've slowly been trying to incorporate excercise into my life again. Today after work I took my kids and their friends to the park to play. I thought I'd walk around the track a little while they played. The track is small, so it's easy to keep an eye on them.

    So, I walked the track, and as I got further from the play area I would have to turn my head to keep an eye on the kids. When I did this, I experienced a sudden "surge" of vertigo. Nothing new... It wasn't causing me to fall or anything, and as usual quickly went away. What was weird though was after several times of this happening, the "surge" got stronger, then I could feel it in my KNEES. I know it sounds weird to say you felt dizziness in your knees, but I don't know how else to explain it. I got the dizziness in my head and my knees at the same time. It felt kind of like an electric shock, but not what I'm used to feeling (i.e. the typical tingling, electric, vibrating feeling). I felt like if each "surge" lasted a little longer, my knees wouldn't have held me up.

    Has anyone experienced this? I know that many people can't stand, much less walk when they have bouts of vertigo... Does this sound like what it feels like?
    , T2B

    "I have a lot of pain in my microwave".

    I got usto the vertigo, kinda like getting my sealeggs.

    sometimes I get vibrations -odd feeling and vertigo, vibs go down the back of head and back. maybe tremors?

    I have to stay still when it happens, it gos away fast.within seconds.


      I often have sudden vertigo at times. It is really weird when I am laying down and suddenly I do not know up from down. I take diazapam which helps.

      I am also having a bought of falling which comes on suddenly. My husband made me contact my neurologist to see if I needed steroids. Thankfully the dr said no since it is not a new symtom. My husband insistst I use my cane in the house and possibly my walking stroller if I keep ending up on the ground.

      I also sometimes feel like a floating head. Mine does not seem to surge I just sometimes blank out and my body does not work. MS is one weird ride.


        I've had vertigo for about two years. It used to happen when I moved too fast especially in a car or when I lay flat. It's improved somewhat. Now, it usually happens only when I lay flat. The worst part is having an MRI. Twice I've tried and it was so horrible. Last time a few months ago, it was unbearable. As soon as they had me lay down I couldn't stand and couldn't have it done. I found a place that does Upright MRI's. My Dr. said they're not as good, but it's better than nothing.
        Dxed R/R 1999 ,Avonex 1999-2003,Rebif 2003-7Tysabri 2008-2013, JC +


          There's an old Navy trick I use. I keep a band around one of my wrists. Not too tight, just tight enough to know something's there.

          Way back when, we'd use it to "cure" seasickness. I'm not sure if it was the pressure on the radial nerve or it was all in our heads- but it worked.

          Now a days, I use one of those large hair bands. It kinda looks like one of those trendy bracelets but you can buy a half dozen of them for, like, two bucks.

