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    Spring ('cept hunterd) Must Have Really Got You Moving!!!

    ONE- but she was on vacation!

    Welcome Indianalynn! Hope to see you here this week!

    FIT TIP:
    Since many of us are doing other activities for exercise, cleaning, working out in yard, etc. I thought it be good to put in a word for stretching.

    Stretch, wake up body and get moving with Katrina!
    MSActive Source.

    While laying on a mat or bed a pillow under head. Start with

    -Snow angels, palms up, arms against side. Bring arms above head and down. (like the motion you use to make snow angels!) 5-10 reps.

    -Lay hands by side, press belly button down into floor/ bed. Raise arms to shoulders with elbows down. (like curling weights) 5-10 reps.

    -Elbows out away from body, arms from elbow up extended straight up. Raise hands (extending full arm) until they touch above you. 5-10 reps.

    -Tighten abs, bring knee to chest, hold with hands, press down. Switch legs. 5-10 reps.

    -Arms at side, raise knees up at a 90 degree angle. Roll them smoothly side to side. (this is a harder version of another exercise I shared. You an feel on bed for this one).

    -Stretch, pull knees to chest grasp with arms and hold for 10 breaths.
    (If you want to view the short video of this go to MSActive source website and click on Active Wellness, you'll see this video on the right.)

    Hope you enjoy these, I know they felt good to me.
    Take care and God bless ya!
    "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus

    Pooh, thanks for the stretching exercises. They do make one feel good.

    Once again I managed to do my full exercise routine every day. I cannot believe it. It has been several weeks now that I have managed to do all exercises each day. I woke up at 3:00 a.m. this morning and could not go back to sleep so today will be a test of my metal. I am so tired I can hardly see but can't sleep during the day or for sure I wouldn't sleep at night. Onward and upward. Good luck to everyone, Karen


      I'm so excited that this week was super and I made my goal!!! What a difference from last week. Did my walking, stretching, yoga, shopping and gardening (the best part ) and cleaning (the worst part).

      When I start gardening, I do a lot of the stretching you mentioned, Pooh, beforehand to warm up and stop inbetween times to do the same. then when I'm done, more stretching and yoga poses. It really makes a difference in my staying power! (I can garden up to 1 1/2 hours now using this technique)

      Hope everyone had a great week
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Well I did stretches this week but did not really do anything else I think I could have but I just didn't feel like it...

        Thank you Pooh for those stretches I am going to try a few...
        I have found I love stretching and doing deep breathing it makes me calm and relaxed.


          Barely made this week. Did do two good days with lots of exercise, one day with less, and two days with basically just stretching and normal around house stuff. But at least I was moving! (Although very, very slow)

          It helps to hear how all of you are doing!


            shrinkaren & seasha, good job! keep moving!
            red & newme, you're listening to your bodies, that's success NOT failure.
            our MS bodies do such strange things. we need to keep intune with them so not to do too much and more harm than help. do as much as you feel like. if you push too hard, you'll pay for it later.
            glad everyone liked the stretches!
            take care and God bless ya!

            OH,i need to check in. exercised some every day,but only made goal of 15 mins. 5 days. so that's my goal made.
            "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


              Made goal of exercising on the bike each day, plus made up for time lost when on my casino trip last week!

              And I did do my stretches each day while standing on the treadmill, not much else though. Pooh- thanks for the stretching tips, can always do some on the floor too. Some I can do, others not. Maybe in the future?!

              Sounds like we all are doing something good for our bodies each week. Keep it up! Casino


                Hi Everyone

                Sure has been wonderful to be able to get out more, now that the snow and ice are gone (hope I didn't jinx the nice weather now).

                Made goal of 5 days with exercise or extra activity:

                3X stationary bike for 30 min each + arm exercises

                1X walk with roller walker for 30 min + arm exercises

                1 day out-and-about doing errands - grocery shopping, walked trash to dumpster with roller walker, went to a meeting, gastation, bank

                I agree that stretching really does help!

                Have a great week everyone.

                Take care,
                PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
                ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


                  On the down side I have been too busy this week to work out,
                  But on the plus I have been so busy and active I loss fat, gain muscle and lower my body age from 49 to 48 according to my Omron full body sensor. (P.S. I will be 48 in June)

                  So is the glass half full or half empty?
                  Considering I installed a new water heater, major progress on the green house assembling has been done, etc. etc. etc. and my mood is good, I going with "half full".
                  And declare this a passing grade week.
                  It is not an A+ week by any means, but I’m feeling good and healthy.

                  I like the sound of the stretching and waking up the body exercises, I will have to give them a try.
                  Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.


                    goal made!!!!! +1 1/2 hrs.
                    more posibilities to do new things because i now have an aide to help! ithink i want to increase my goal to 30 minutes per day for 7 days a week.
                    MS World
                    PPMS DX 2001

                    "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                      SOUNDING GOOD EVERYONE!

                      Sparky don't be so hard on yourself! you stay busy and less exercise is definitely preferable to getting hit by a car!

                      Sir-Voor your glass is very full! can't believe all the projects your getting done!

                      hunterd, woo! upping the bar, good job and good luck!

                      koko, if we get snow you're in trouble!!!

                      casino, super week!

                      keep it up everyone! ya'll might have to do extra for me this week. started roids last night and almost fell off the wii board this morning already! they make me sooo weak and sleep deprived. i'll finish them a week before annapolis graduation trip, just grateful relapse hit now not later!

                      take care and GOd bless ya'll!
                      "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


                        Sir-Voor- I'd say your glass is over-flowing!!! Man, you sure keep active- good for you! Hey- I'll give you an A+ If I remember correctly- you also like to play the slots. Don't overwork your fingers too much-- gotta be able to push those buttons ya know!! Yee-haa!!!!


                          We are an awesome group - kudo's to us all! And Pooh, listen to your own voice and advice that you always give us and don't try to do so much, OK? I know that steroids can sometimes do a number on us. Get better soon.

                          We rock!!
                          1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                          Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


                            I just have to thank all of you
                            (it finally got through my thick skull that just doing five minutes, or 15 minutes, or even longer is all the same as long as I try)

                            As everyone can tell the few months have been all over the place for me and it is simply because I am starting to lose my legs. It has been very difficult for me to handle because once the doc mentioned progressive I simple took that as things won't come back at all and only get worse. So I went in to a nice depression. Then my legs just started to go so I gave up ha my mistake because you all still stand by no matter what (and I only know you from a website)

                            Anyway before this gets to lengthy and I forget what I am saying I really thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the encouragement and kindness you guys give, and a specially THANK YOU to Pooh and Sparky.

                            By the way I got back on my Wii and did a great job


                              4/10 - 4/16

                              Total steps this week: 21,663 steps; Average 3,094 steps per day

                              1x - 15 minutes simple exercise ball (sitting, bouncing, pelvic circles)
                              1x - 3 sets of strength training/arms; 1 set of 40 air squats
                              1x - 2 sets of 50 air squats

                              Although my weight loss was good this week, and I lost some fat pounds, my diet calculators indicated that my LBM (lean body mass) also decreased some. Not good news. I want to be losing only fat, not muscle.

                              So, I really should increase my strength training. It would be good to get rid of some of that jiggly upper arm flab before I wear a sleeveless dress to the wedding.

                              ~ Faith
                              ~ Faith
                              MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
                              (now a Mimibug)

                              Symptoms began in JAN02
                              - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
                              - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

                              - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
                              - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.

