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Nausea and Vomiting... anyone else?

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    Nausea and Vomiting... anyone else?

    The doctors have said that my monthly vomiting is most likely due to my MS since to date, they haven't found any other causes. I called the MS society who said that these are common or even in the uncommon category for symptoms of MS. I have been throwing up for 2 years now, it is mostly 1x per month and always at night and always on weekends... I have kept food journals and have seen no consistent pattern which is all the more frustrating. I am considering seeing a GI doc now because often times, the episodes include diarehha, hives and a headache.

    Has anyone else had this? Or heard of it? I am not on any MS drugs at this point, although I took Copaxone for 1 year and threw up during that time as well so I know it isn't related to that.

    i have never had that problem or even had heard of anyone with that problem. other than ms meds, are you taking anything else? i would definitely consult a GI doc. Neuros know about ms but little about the GI area. That is not there specialty. see a specialist. Good Luck


      My Dad does this. Click on my name and read my post titled "please dont beat me up" & "all the sudden". They go into what he has been doing. He has had MS for 32 yrs. I have been doing a lot of research and it can be a rare symptom of MS. It is when lesions start forming on a certain part of the brain. One site compared it to how a brain tumor can cause vomiting.


        Glad someone posted this. Out of the blue a few times in the past several months, I've quickly been overcome by nausea and threw up. It was really wierd how it came on so fast, and I would be fine shortly after the episode. I thought maybe the chemo (Cytoxan) I had last year triggered something in my brain! I plan to ask my MS Specialist about this the next time I see him.

        “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


          To clarify my earlier post, the MS society person I spoke with HAD NOT heard of the vomiting and nausea as symptoms of MS... I think you have confirmed my thoughts about seeing a GI doc. Yuck. I hate doctors and tests. I haven't had an MRI since April 2010 and frankly, still paying for it. I just hope they can figure this out... it's only been two years, I'm only 30 years old with 3 and 5 yr old daughters and a husband. I can't imagine doing this the rest of my life!


            Nausea/vomiting can be MS

            Nausea and vomiting have been know to be presenting symptoms of MS. I know several people who had this as their first symptom. It is usually a vision/balance problem that manifests as vomiting, like when you ride a carnival ride, only you don't have the ride or the dizzy symptoms.

            Also, vomiting for unknown causes is now recognized as a symptom of NMO, another demyelinating disease, once thought to be a form of MS. So, yes it could be the MS, but you should rule out other causes as well. So, see a GI guy and make sure there is nothing else going on.

            Hope this helps.


              I vomited for four weeks straight. Every time I moved, smelled food, up it would come. It was so awful and I sympathize with anyone going through this.


                Hi, I just wanted to chime in and say that I have had nausea and vomiting, that was actually my first symptom. Starting in November I would wake up nauseous and vomit every morning. I didn't have any stomach pain, no heartburn, no acid reflux, I would just wake up nauseous, throw up, and then I would be ok. I went to the dr, and the sent me to a G.I dr, and I got the full workup, endoscopy, and colonoscopy, and they both came back totally normal. The g.i. dr cleared me of any g.i. issues. My PCP then sent me for a brain MRI to rule out a brain tumor and that is when they found the lesions. So from there I was diagnosed with M.S., after piecing together a bunch of other symptoms that I just blew off.

                I am extremely exhausted all of the time now, and completely weak, and just want to start feeling better. I see my neuro tuesday, and will start copaxone. I hope this helps the nausea vomiting and exhaustion.


                  I must say daily Nausea and vomiting some times. I can't stand it and take meds but they don't always work and always wear off.....

                  I think it's just my head spins so much looking to one side makes me spin... I'm not sure I'll ever get rid of the daily nausea and it's been a few years now I've had it.

                  Good Luck and GOD Bless
                  Dx MS Aug 2010 (after 2 years of searching)
                  Started Copaxone Aug. 2010


                    I've been having nausea that comes and goes for months.. I think its ms related.. I did see the GI doctor, which I would suggest you would too, in case its something else.. with me they found a small ulcer but I don't think that be causing the nausea because I'm pretty sure I've had that longer then the ms. hope you feel better soon


                      Nausea can also be a symptom of liver problems, especially a concern if a person is on meds that are hepatotoxic.


                        Originally posted by 1523371682@facebook View Post
                        i have never had that problem or even had heard of anyone with that problem. other than ms meds, are you taking anything else? i would definitely consult a GI doc. Neuros know about ms but little about the GI area. That is not there specialty. see a specialist. Good Luck
                        I agree!!

                        MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!


                          nausea and vomitting

                          Yuck - I know your pain. That was my first symptom. It was cause by nystagmys - a moving, rolling of my eyes, that I could not detect initially. But soon I was faced with double vision which impacted my ability to drive, among other things. I still occasionally am bothered with waking up and having to close one eye for a little while until it stops. I remember having to wait until the pharmacy opened, with my eyes closed, and willing myself to not throw up until I could get the anti-nausea meds, or being in the hospital and being taken down for a spinal tap with a little plastic pan to catch the vomit.
                          Ah those were the days....twenty eight years of my life with M.S. - poignant memories aren't they?
                          But the good part is that was then, and now it is gone, for the most part. Other things have come, but I have to say that those initial symptoms were the worst - the ones that I did not understand and scared me the most.


                            I also agree it's good to see a specialist, but wanted to mention nausea was one of my first MS symptoms (before I even knew I had MS) I started out with leg tingling, then random muscle twitches & numbness on the left side of my face that was almost always associated with nausea. (I never vomited though) I still get nauseated almost every day (unfortunately this hasn't helped me lose weight )

