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    Just a quick question. Over the last 3 months I have woken up a couple of times just to pass out/collapse. Any one else had anything like this? Is it a side effect of the Tysabri?
    I don't see my neuro for another 6 weeks.

    Thanks, Foxx.

    just to cross of the easy culprets--you will be asked. are you drinking and eating enough? my bp went down be 30 points from before i got ms to when i start tysabri--about 3 yeas. i had been controlling incontinence by restricting fluid-when i started to drink more it came up 10 every tysabri infusion they take my bp---i just say i have a low stress life, i'm a child of the 60's. occasionally i stop for a cup of caffinated coffee to watch my bp go up--now that i am so aware of it. maybe keep something on your bedside table to eat/drink before getting up? i think ty does mess up the water balance. i was very tired after ty infusions, until i made sure i was well fluidized. after a 1&1/2 years i started taking a potassium supppliment in the morning as i felt i needed it, not routine. and my 2nd infusion center runs a small bag of saline after the infusion. that helps, my 1st infusiopn center didn't.

    how many ty infusions have you had? how is your blood pressure doing? do they run a small bag of saline after the ty infusion?


      I'd say check out the BP as well. I read somewhere, I think, that Ty can make your BP go down. I sure has for me. I'm off one HBP pill now and that's the only change. Get up slowly that might help, too. But, when my BP is too low I tend to see black and stars and get really, really dizzy.
      What if trials of this life
      Are Your mercies in disguise?
      "Blessings; Laura Story"


        Don't try to stand up right away. Sit for a minute, stand slowly, turn slowly, then slowly walk. The sudden changes in your position/direction could be a major culprit in your problems.
        Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


          @0485c10: BP is fine as they three or four times during the course of the infusion. 27 infusions down so far, spaced exactly 4 weeks apart to the day. (I love routine ) followed by a bag of saline while they do the post infusion observation hour. And hydration wasn't an issue as I had been at work that day and was drinking water every 30 minutes, be it a long or short drink. Food, on the other hand, I can and regularly do go 12-14 hours of physical labour before I eat, so it could be the issue.

          @ everyone else, movement changes have been ruled out of the equation as I've been able to walk one end of the house to the other and use the bathroom. Once finished is the point I'm going down, sad to say and porcelain bowls aren't too forgiving on the skull

