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    I feel like a robot. For months my back and legs are so stiff I am having more trouble walking or getting up from a chair. I don't have spasms except for sometimes under my ribs if I turn wrong. Is this called spasticity?

    Hi Deb

    I feel like a robot. For months my back and legs are so stiff I am having more trouble walking or getting up from a chair. I don't have spasms except for sometimes under my ribs if I turn wrong. Is this called spasticity?
    Yes, the stiffness you described (feeling like a robot) can be spasticity. I sometimes say I feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.

    This info from the National MS Society explains spasticity very well:

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      I take Baclofen to help with this - it's not a "cure" for the stiffness but it helps relax things to make me a bit more comfortable.
      Falling down is easy... getting up not so much


        What can help the stiffness is very low impact stretching. You don't want to tire yourself, just slowly loosen the joints. At times it may be necessary to stretch often.

        When I stand I make sure my bones are lined up, how I describe the stretching before I try to walk. It works very well for me, but is becoming a greater need.

        Never expect to or try to immediately walk or turn when first standing. It has taken time, but I am getting used to it.
        Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


          Deb - I'm glad you asked the question. I've been having the same issue getting worse since last fall. It's like you said, feeling like a robot, and if I go slow at first, it will loosen up a bit and I can get going. Mine is mainly the joints at the top of legs in front, lower back and knees.

          I'm gonna try more gentle stretching throughout the day like Wkikta mentions. It's really a pain getting in and out of the car -


            Thanks for your replies. I will try the stretching.


              I live with this every day!

              I'm tired of being stiff and walk like I'm eighty years old. I see 70+ seniors who work better than I do and I'm 47 years old. Physical therapy helps, but they dont focus on me stretching my muscles. Anybody have any tips on what they do? Anything will help.



                I was so stiff. Tried PT, have 3 pages of exercises. Have the MS yoga tape. Tried it, cramped really bad afterwards
                I tried acupuncture. It has really seemed to help with the stiffness. I am not 100%, but it is better.


                  O.K., here is my ?, my neuro has me on baclofen to help me walk better. He says I have difficulty due to spasticity. Here's the thing I don't feel stiff! Sometimes my legs feel numb, sometimes they are tingly but they never feel stiff. When I walk even at my worst I can't honestly say I feel anything one way or the other in regards to my legs. All I ever feel is embarrassed. All I know is I take steps but my legs just don't work right. Is this spasticity, doesn't sound to be.


                    i used to always wake up stiff in the morning but since i started my own PT regimen i no longer wake up stiff. keep in mind i'm in a w/c 24/7.

                    i just had a PT eval. and the therapist was so impressed with my regimen. i'm doing everything right. i'd be doing the same things in PT as at home. for this reason i do not have to return.

                    this is a testament that home therapy does work. i spend up to 2 hours daily doing therapy. i developed the program myself with no formal PT.


                      calas would you mind sharing some of your regimen with me?


                        Originally posted by deb46 View Post
                        calas would you mind sharing some of your regimen with me?
                        And me too?
                        Diagnosis February 2011 Avonex: February 2011 - September 2011, Copaxone: September 2011 - current

