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Travel advice

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    Travel advice

    I'll be travelling with my family in July. I'll be gone for 2 weeks. We'll take my wheelchair, but I'll miss having my walker while staying in different homes. Around home, I really need a walker (or someone's arm) to get around on my own. My walker gives me some independence. I will always have people around who will be glad to help, but I don't like always having to ask for help. I'm hoping someone will have advice for me. Thanks, Noelle

    Can you take both with you? Or perhaps rent one or the other when you get where you're going?

    There are combination rollator/wheelchairs, but they are transport chairs only - someone would have to push you when you're using it as a w/c. It sounds like that wouldn't work for you.

    There are compact folding walkers like this one - maybe you'd have room to take one of those with you?


      I just got back from a weeks trip w/ my family to Gatlinberg,Tn. We rented a cabin in the Smoky Mountains,there were 8 of us & I had my Rollator for the house & Wheelchair for any siteseeing. It worked out great.
      God Bless Keep us posted Nona Judy

