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Gabapentin Weight Gain

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    Gabapentin Weight Gain

    Anyone have weight gain with their Gabapentin? I think I have gained about 30 pounds since I started in November. GRRR! I am sure I am not the only one, but boy it is lousy! I seemed to have leveled off now.

    Has anyone been able to get the weight off and keep it off? I don't want to be super skinny but my pre-Gabapentin weight would be nice. Again...GRRRR!

    MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!

    This is also a problem for me. Ever since I've been on it, I have gained weight, especially when I upped the dosage.

    Wish I could get off it, but I can't.
    Previous Meds: Avonex, Copaxone
    Beta Babe: January 2007


      I went off of it a few months ago and dropped about 10lbs in the first week. I was taking 2400mgs a day. It is s l o w l y coming off but it takes time and effort.
      Rae Roy


        I was actually doing a Google search to figure out if the Gaba is what's made me gain so much weight myself. I've had to go on the max dose at 3200 mg and I've gained 30 lbs since last summer on all of my various meds, but I think the Gaba is the culprit. My dr has mentioned Lyrica as an alternative (as we're now wondering if the Gaba is even working - my pain is still pretty constant & bad). In addition, I'm also having my 2nd relapse since January which means more steroids...I swear, it's so disheartening.

        Anyone know anything about Lyrica?


          I've never been on gaba but I just wanted to mention Nuvigil cause I am using it for fatigue but I have actually have a great side effect...I'm losing weight.

          Not because of anything weird only because I am not hungry all the time anymore.

          I am only eating what I am supposed to now. With no desire to keep on eating.



            I was on lyrica and it made me gain weight (and weight gain is a common side effect). It does help for nerve pain... but I don't tend to have big problems with nerve pain (just had a few flares with burning and it helped those).

            Another med my old neuro threw at me to help w/nerve pain was cymbalta (it is also a mood stabilizer). I don't think weight gain is as big of an issue with that. My mom is on cymbalta for her Fibromyalgia and really likes it.

            Hope you find something that works! I just now finally lost my weight gain from the lyrica. I am sooo not a fan of that drug.

            doing the Limbo since 2005


              I am on 2400mg per day of gaba & I still feel like I am crawling out of my skin most of the time. It does help with the shooting pains, but not with the burning. And yes...I want to eat ALL THE TIME!!! I was attributing my appetite to stress, but maybe it is the drug. I wish I could go off it but I don't think I could sit still for one minute without it.
              "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" Reinhold Niebuhr


                Been on Gaba for 6 weeks now and have gained 10 pounds. It does dull the pain to an acceptable level for me.
                "Dogs are not our whole life but they make our lives whole."



                  I noticed when my neuro took away my Topamax (which caused weight LOSS) and gave me the Gabapentin, the weight I lost found me with a vengeance! LOL
                  Between that and IV solumedrol, I figured, what the hey, if I fall, at least I have paddin' to break my fall..
                  But yeah, Gaba makes most people gain weight.
                  The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.


                    not sure if gaba put wieght on or not, was 3800mg a day for two years, one thing for sure i think the gelitan capsule helped more than the drug , lol went on lyrica, 450 mg a day and it works even less than gaba did. about ready to just nix all the drugs i'm doing , cause none seem to work at let nature take its course... i dont have MS it has me by my balls

