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    ive had light-headiness for 10 months or so now. it is milder than it was in the beginning its just mainly annoying now. so my question is: is there any meds for it?
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    Have you been tested for anemia? Being light-headed can be a symptom of anemia. I had the same issue and it turns out I was anemic. Once the anemia was under control the other subsided.


      considering that steroids/ pt helped some, i doubt that im anemic.

      i cant say 4 sure if ive been tested for it, but with the amount of blood tests ive had, im sure they did. plus, i did a ms study, so im sure i was tested
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        Curious what meds you are on. Side effects of baclofen, gabapentin, and others can be lightheaded feeling.

        When I was first dx, the meds I was put on for spasticity and nerve pain made me very lightheaded ... to the point of actually passing out a few times. The baclofen and Zanaflex were a necessary evil, but it took several months for my body to adjust. Thank goodness I never hurt myself.

        Tell your drs. about it, they should rule out other possibilities and know this is one of your symtoms.

        “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


          only on Rituxan, but i had lightheadedness before going on it. and my neuro does know about it
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            i have a neuro appt coming up at the end of the month. so it would be helpful if i had a med to ask about
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              just saying

              Woke up last year with Vertigo and thought what is this about???? Found out that it is just another wonderful symptom of MS. Ck this with your doc. It comes and goes with me and thankfully it doesn't last long so far!!!! lol

              Often just turning my head to one side in the bed will make me light headed and dizzy for a moment and then it will pass. Hope this gets to be just a minor issue for you.
              Jk forrest



                The only med ever rx'd for me regarding the dizziness/ lightheaded feeling was Meclizine (rx'd for motion sickness). I've read on the message boards it helps some people, but it didn't work for me.

                It may be worth a try. Hope you're one of the ones it helps. Good luck.

                “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck

