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Why does this happen??!! (Vent)

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    I agree

    When I was diagnosed I had a co-worker say "You don't have MS, there is no pain with MS". LOL are you kidding me? You can't fix some people. The same person, if I go home because I feel bad and am shaking, "You were fine this morning" like I'm lying. Hang in there. We're all here for you.


      It's obvious by the responses that this is something many of us deal with - how sad is that?!

      My neighbor said "the lady down the road has MS and she works and gets around just fine".

      I think it's right that most have misconceptions about what MS is really all about - I know that was me, although I wouldn't say unsensitive things - it amazes me.

      My husband informed my inlaws of what's going on and they have never once asked me how I'm doing or what it's all about. I'm thinking that's either a good thing because I don't want people "watching"me, or maybe they aren't sure how to respond.

      My sister called to share about her fibromyalgia, and my husband told her I'm a hypochondriac - that hurt!

      I sometimes SO wish folks could spend just one day in our bodies and truly understand.


        My last boss put on my evaluation sheet that my missing work was causing too many issues in the office. And, something about my health and being in my head.

        I still had vacation time and sick leave for the year so I was pretty upset. A co-worker also told me that said same boss "mimiced" my walk at a time when I was doing good too walk. She also complained that I'd be gone too long to have carpal tunnel surgery that they couldn't have me out of the office that long. I had even chosen a quiet time to have the surgery done. I found a different job but it still hurt.
        What if trials of this life
        Are Your mercies in disguise?
        "Blessings; Laura Story"

