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Prokarin? Lesions?

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    Prokarin? Lesions?

    Who's tried it?
    How long have you been on it and where do you get it?
    How did you feel on it?
    Are you taking anything else with it?

    I just found a site that told about 2 autopsies, one MSer's only symptom was a leg that had a limp and she was full of lesions. The other one had MS pretty bad and she had very few lesions. Lesions don't have much to do with disability, they can come and go. From the research I've done I gathered the DMD's work on the lesions but not the disability.

    Since I started Prokarin on March 19 my husband and I took a trip due to the improvement in my health.

    We went to the Redwoods and walked for several miles then to the beach for the rest of the day. We walked a long ways looking for agates. I spent hours walking bent over looking for the pretty rocks. My legs held the squat positon. I had to run in and out of the waves to try to keep dry. I went from basically being almost chair bound to up and doing some what normal activities.

    My balance is greatly improved !!! I can skip like a child again. I can walk for miles. I can jog now.

    We stayed busy all day doing activities that I would of not of been able to do before. Its all due to the prokarin.

    Then in the evening I exercised to a dvd I brought on the trip.

    Prokarin is doing so much good for me.

    If you want to know more there is a yahoo multiple sclerosis group discussion on prokarin. Several people are taking it now. I can't believe the transformation in my life with prokarin.


      Research histamine h1, h2, h3 agonist receptors, receptors multiple sclerosis, prokarin, on google. There are lots of articles on how it affects the brain.

      There was a doc in the 1940's who worked for Mayo clinic who used to use histamine the main ingredient in prokarin in IV's on patients. His report is online. He treated 1500 patients. Also you can call Elaine the RN who created prokarin for more info. She is easy to talk to.



        Thanks for the info. Do you take anything else for your MS, like a DMD? I am thinking about not doing one. All the info for the use of them is done by the pharma manufacturing them, so I very leary. I did find independent studies, they said there was a benefit of relaspse rate but no significant difference in time to progression..?

        Where do you get your Prokarin?



          I gave up on copaxone after having 5 flairs last year. The company said it was not working and I was progressing rather quickly. I was loosing my ability to walk.

          Type in a search for Prokarin and you will find the site of the nurse who makes it Elaine. I don't think this site will let me list the site. It starts with a E. She lists her phone number and will talk to you for free about the patch, where to get it and how to get a doc to write it.

          I can now skip, run, jog, and enjoy myself. I just got back from the beach hunting agates. I spent the day walking on the beach, running in and out of waves trying to find the rocks. It was so fun. My husband and I never would of gone if it haden't been for the big change that prokarin provided. We both had figured my life or abilities to move was about over. The neuro had no hope for me.

          Yesterday I walked 3.15 miles and did a 45 min. Barre Workout. I am able to spend my days doing things all day when we were on vacation. I didn't stop until I went to bed. We walked for hours on end.

          You really need to talk with Elaine who makes prokarin. She can update you with the latest information. She also has a facebook page. I would list more infor. but due to site policies I can't put links down. I think it would be offensive to them.

          The copaxones success rate was very low in comparison to the percentage of people the prokarin has helped. Elaine has a nine part video on youtube. Type in a search on prokarin and Multiple sclerosis and you will find the series. It explains so much about how the medication works.

          Another thing I noticed is now I can pee better or get more out than before. Now I can also have normal bowel movments. The bowls and bladder had stopped working normally. My stomach felt like it wasn't emptying before like it had gastroparesis. Now it empties and I can eat and drink water. There are so many positive changes in me. I feel wonderful now.

          I am absolutely thrilled with the medication. Now I don't have to take any other pills or shots. I am free from them. My body works better now. I was so very sick before and it wasn't from a flare. It was from how severe the MS was. I could barely walk 500 feet and struggled to move my legs and feet. I was so very weak and all the symptoms were very severe.

          Prokarin has restored my life.


            Hi rosepetals,

            Any member can post links to reputable sources. The links won't be "live" but readers can easily copy and paste them into whatever search engine they use.

            (Occasionally the moderators may disallow a link they consider to be questionable.)


              Rosepetals --

              I've read anecdotal reports of Prokarin's success with MS symptom management here, and other places. However, I'm not terribly concerned about my symptoms. Other than fatigue and stamina, balance is the only other residual symptom that I deal with on a regular basis.

              I suspect that, although the fatigue is enough to keep me from employment, a bigger reason that I was approved for SSDI may be the long and yearly (or more) absences that I had from work, related to my MS flares. These absences seem, to me, to be a greater contributor to me being disabled than my symptoms do.

              I read somewhere, that Prokarin can also reduce inflammation in the brain. I'm wondering it that could translate into fewer and less severe flares, and slowing disability, like the ABCR's? (Just guessing.) Do you know anything about this?

              ~ Faith
              ~ Faith
              MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
              (now a Mimibug)

              Symptoms began in JAN02
              - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
              - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

              - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
              - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.


                There is a book on the med for sale at her site that explains more about the med, which I don't have. I have read several pdf type downloads which are about 30 pages long on how the med works in the body though. You can find them in a search. Her youtube 9 video explains a lot with how the med works also.

                I believe it is drecreasing my inflammation. The reason I say this is because I was living with really bad neck pain. It felt swollen, like there was pressure where I have the lesions. It would ache and at times radiate to the front of the neck and also up to the base of the skull. The pain wasn't there constantly, but when it was the ms symptoms were more severe to very severe. It would give me nausea it hurted so badly. Ice would help bring down the inflammation.

                That pain is gone and the puffy swollen feeling on the left side of my neck were it used to be is gone. So I believe it is decreasing the inflamation.

                I am not a doc, only a patient who feels like I know my body to some extent. More so than the neuro who ignored the symptoms.

                I don't have the headaches like before that were pretty bad. The eye pain is mostly gone. I did have a brief stabbing the other day.

                I didn't even realise I haven't been having all those blasted headaches until I started writing.

                My bowels are working better, I am more regular. I was so blocked up. It felt like I was developing gastroparesis also. It was high up in my stomach that I felt bloating and fullness that was so bad I wouldn't eat for a day or so. I could barely get in fluids when it was bad. Now I am digesting foods well. It is supposed to help with the digestive acids to help break down the food.

                I am peeing better. It felt like before I wasn't emptying the bladder as much as I am now. Like I was retaining fluid. I have been checked many times for UTI's and that was negative. No incontinence since starting prokarin. No pads needed.

                I sleep deeply now and when I wake up usually I feel rested.

                I still have that burning pain in my foot off and on. Maybe more vitamin b will help? I hope it goes away.

                Again I haven't been on the med a full month yet. I am hopeful that improvements continue as I have not had anything make this kind of improvement in my walking. Not even ampyra. I stopped taking that before I started the prokarin so I could see how the prokarin affected me.

                I am not totally better. The ms symptoms are much milder, but still present. Only time will tell what effect this has over the long run.



                  What side affects does Prokarin have? I would love to be able to feel my feet again.. 8 years of numbness and other issues.. I just hate to try drugs that might affect me more that what i have going on now.. I am trying to get feeling better so i can start a family.. Blah.. is how i feel all the time..


                    Every single time I want to post I have to log in and out 2 times before I can post a message. It never fails.

                    Anyway you have to do the research. I am not a doctor. The site has very few adverse reactions listed however there are a few. They are very small in comparison to all the other medications listed.

                    Today I went on another wonderful three mile walk !!! I absolutely continue to love the prokain. I won't continue to post daily and bore everyone with my improvements. Basically I have stabilized. I have found you can over do things with prokarin.

                    I did walk 4 miles one day and do a 45 min. workout in the evening and had a setback the next day. Otherwise I have been fine. That was quite the day for exercise though. It was not unexpected to have a setback after being normally sitting around and then becoming more active all of a sudden.

                    You do have to increase your activities gradually. I had been before prokarin working up to the 3 mile walks slowly over the last couple of years but then was loosing the ability to. So the muscle memory was still present that I was able to work back up to it over a period of time again.

                    I do fluctuate a bit on my strength as my period comes. I get worse towards and during my period as it always happens before. I have not contacted the company. They have adjusted the strenght of the meds for other ladies who have had issues during the time of the month to help out. I will contact them in the future if it continues to be an issue. Right now I am adjusting my body to the medication for the time being rather than adjusting the dosage upwards.

