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Hoping this isn't a flare up!

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    Hoping this isn't a flare up!

    I've been doing fine for months (since a bad flare last October when I had bad tremors and simple partial seizures.) I managed to get off the baclofen and gabapentin, and haven't really had many problems for a long time.

    But over the last few weeks, I've started having burning pain in my right cheek, then just recently, I've started leaving words out or misspelling things when I'm typing and not catching the errors. (It was really bad yestrday.) And yesterday and today, I have been so exhausted, even though I slept fine. I feel like I'm encased in concrete from the neck down. My arms and legs feel like they weight 400 lbs. apiece, even though I'm still taking alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine, which usually totally alleviates the fatigue. It doesn't seem to be working right now at all.

    I haven't been diagnosed, and probably never will be. I do have four brain lesions, but they're in the wrong place for MS, according to the NP at my neurologist's office. (Frontal and temporal lobes.)

    What should I do? If I call my doctor, she'll just tell me she doesn't know what's going on and charge me $25 for doing so. Maybe it'll just go away soon. That's all I can hope, I guess.
    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!

    3 Days

    It has to last for 3 days last I heard.
    Hope it doesn't.
    Another pirated saying:
    Half of life is if.
    When today is bad, tomorrow is generally a better day.
    Dogs Rule!



      Hope you feel better soon. I'm in the middle of a really bad exhaustion state myself. I was fine earlier this week. It's only Wednesday but I feel like I ran 2 marathons. Monday I was at Motor Vehicles and shopping. Now I can't get out of bed. I'm exhausted, but my mind is too awake to sleep even though my body wants to. I don't have a dr since I moved and I have never taken any rx for fatigue. My old neuro didn't believe in them. I'm waiting on a list of dr's from the local chapter of the MS society here so I can get a new neuro. If you're not happy with your dr, have you seen a different one?

      Well... maybe tomorrow will be better for both of us.

      and I certainly hope it doesn't last 3 days! Yuck!


        Hey, Lisa, you should get to a doctor DURING this episode and let them examine you!

        You do well a lot of the time, but you do seem to be episodic with your symptoms....CLASSIC MS (relapsing-remitting, that is!)

        If you give up, you'll never know for sure, and I'm here to tell you that ignoring the problem will NOT make it go away. I ignored my problems for a LONG time (even though I did have a doctor tell me he thought that MS was what was wrong with me). It's not good to do that.

        P.S. Doctors need to LISTEN and use their so-called smarts to help you!!! You're not finding the right ones, sweetie. My neuro always gives me a hard time for NOT reporting the nonsense I live with (I'm progressive now), but I can't tell you how many doctors I saw in the beginning of this b.s. [30+ years ago] who blew me off as being a hypochondriac. I was a teenager at the time, so that could have been the problem, but still.......
        “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
        Diagnosed 1979


          Bless your heart.

          I am on the down hill of my last flair. I should have went to the neuro but i feel the same way you do. I had a bad weekend with my sx and i should have went to see the neuro as that is what he wants to see.

          So here is what i would do. Yes do go and see what she has to say. If the apt does not go well then go and see your GP. I know how hard it is to hear that they can't seem to find what is going on.

          If that does not work then find new doctors if you can. I think it is time you and i got some answers.

          Lots of ((((hugs)))) Let us know how you are doing.

