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Campath (Alemtuzumab) news

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    Campath (Alemtuzumab) news

    I just saw this abstract in The Lancet:
    "Alemtuzumab reduced disease activity compared with interferon beta-1a in most of the analysed subgroups. Significantly greater numbers of patients experienced sustained improvement in disability after treatment with alemtuzumab than interferon beta-1a. The efficacy offered by alemtuzumab is a substantial advance in the treatment of multiple sclerosis."

    Wow! I'll have to ask my neuro about this stuff. But no idea how it compares to Ty...

    "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" - Soren Kierkegaard

    "I wish my life was half as interesting as my dog thinks it is."

    Alemtuzumab will be sold as Campath for Leukemia &
    Lemtrada for MS. Lemtrada will be more expensive than Campath because of what each market will tolerate. the ms market will tolerate higher prices.

    i already let my neuro know i was interested in this drug when it gets fda approval projected for late next year.

    the once a year dosing is what i find most attractive, but i believe there is greater risk when using Lemtrada than with Tysabri? Tysabri has a low risk of a very dangerous disease & Lemtrada has a greater risk of a serious but treatable disease, but the risk is greater. we will know when they release the trial data, until then i'm just speculating..

    your article doesn't mention cancer--it says thyroid disorders and immune thrombocyopenic--which i just google it its the trendancy to bleed(leukemia?). death can be from Hemorrhage..requires long term use of cortisteroid or an immunosuppressive meds---so i might end up trading up to a yearly ms treatment requiring immunosuppressant and steroids looks like there may be no dosing benefit to lemtrada..darn! i think its benificial for the person that has failed on ty & that's not me & now that i know that immunosuppressants and steroids are need to use it, i'm not so enthusistic. thanks for posting this.

    immune thrombocyopenic


      more links on it....


        I just think it is exciting and Wonderful that more drugs are on their way!!! Steps closer to a cure!!!

        MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!

