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What is "low vision"?

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    What is "low vision"?

    I've not been seen for optic neuritis and don't believe I've had that but I've noticed that my vision is just not as good as it once was. I had a thorough eye exam within the past 6 months or so and got new glasses. My eye dr said my eyes looked good and indication of diabetic problems or anything. But...lately it seems my glasses are not "working" as good as they were when I got them. It's kind of an on again off again thing...just can't see as clearly. Wondering if it could be MS related in some way or maybe just aging eyes and I should go back to the eye dr for a recheck. Any comments?

    Eph 3:20-21

    Hi bammaw:
    Anything less than 20/20 (or sometimes 20/25) vision needs an explanation. Even if you got new glasses only six months ago, a noticeable change in vision means your vision should be rechecked.

    There are many reasons why vision can be blurry, some significant and some not. You need to be examined and tested again to determine why your vision is fluctuating. For example, although you left out the word "no," you said your doctor found no indication of diabetic problems. So whether you knew at the time if you're diabetic (usually people who aren't diabetic don't mention diabetic problems when talking about their eye exam), fluctuating blood sugar is one of the causes of fluctuating vision that needs to be checked out. While MS can cause fluctuating vision, it doesn't usually present quite that way. "Aging eyes" is another possibility, but only under certain circumstances. And there are other causes. So to figure it out, you really do have to go back to the eye doctor.

    "Low vision" is a term that refers to best-corrected visual acuity of about 20/50 or 20/60, or worse in the better eye. (Optometrists tend to use 20/50 as the defining acuity, ophthalmologists tend to use 20/60.) The term can also refer to compromised visual field, but the definition isn't as clear-cut for field. Another term for low vision is "partially sighted." In general, it refers to best-corrected vision that is useful, but not good enough to see things and print sizes that are seen by people with generally good vision, which typically equates to 20/40 or better.



      THANK YOU for the excellent response. I will contact my eye doctor for a recheck. Yes, I am a diabetic but my HgA1c is at non-diabetic levels (weight loss and regular walking for fitness is paying off!). No cataracts no diabetic retinopathy I need to be checking my daily blood sugars more often...just in case. Do you know if allergies can affect our vision? Just wondering. I do have seasonal allergies (for all seasons...sigh!) and lately they've been a bit more bothersome. Hm....much to ponder.

      Again...thanks so much for your quick and informative response.

      God bless.....

      Eph 3:20-21

