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Betaseron to Avonex

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    Betaseron to Avonex

    I am planning on switching from Betaseron to Avonex. Will I need a "cleansing" period or can I just switch?

    I just got a new box of Beta and am trying to figure out when I need to call my doctor to ask for the switch.
    ~Piper - DX'd 2/2010 - Mama, Wife, Working gal

    I'd call him now and tell him you just got a new box of Beta and discuss the timing of the switch. It took a few weeks to go thru the approval process with the pharmacy when starting up Avonex, so getting this going now would probably be good.


      There is no 'cleansing' period needed since they are both Interferon. Start the paperwork for the switch since it can take a few weeks, use the Betaseron you just got until you have the Avonex.
      Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09

