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blood pressure and MS

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    blood pressure and MS

    Okay, I had to go to the Emergency room today, my BP was high (160/110) and my pulse was low (49 - 60) - even though my heart felt like it was racing.

    I had tightness in my chest during this. My EKG was fine and my bp came down in the ER and my pulse went up a bit. (Prob b/c i don't like that ER doc)

    My BP has been elevated on a beta blocker since I started my flare in November? Has anyone else dealt with this? They are having me come in to see the MS doctor to be evaluated b/c of the bp thing.
    Sasha - dx January 2011; tysarbi, zanaflex, gabapentin, and baclofen
    ~Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.~

    not here
    i have the opposite issue. high high beat but perfect bp
    Learn from yesterday
    Live for today
    Hope for tomorrow


      High BP without meds here although it tends to go up and down some with my weight. Tysabri helps keep it down, lower even with weight and stress. At least I'm pretty sure that I read that low BP was a side effect of Tysabri.
      What if trials of this life
      Are Your mercies in disguise?
      "Blessings; Laura Story"


        My bp was wonderful my year on Ty. I had forgotten about that. Dang NABs!
        Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.


          My bp, PRIOR to MS dx, was always low, the VA Doctors actually put me on a salt diet (increase salt) because of it. My first MRI showed a lesion in the pons, since then, my bp, specifically the diastolic, runs anywhere from 88 (good) to 156 (not good), but likes to hang in the 98-104 range. So far, bp meds aren't stabilizing it, and I'm schedule for hypertension clinic on Wednesday.

          Basically, I'm a "chill pill", but the VA Cardiologist said I "internalize" things, and feels that has something to do with my bp running high. Guess I may learn more on Wednesday!

          My pulse runs in the 90's to low 100's
          MS, it's a brain thang!
          Proud to have served, U.S Army WAC


            Originally posted by WACVet View Post
            My bp, PRIOR to MS dx, was always low, the VA Doctors actually put me on a salt diet (increase salt) because of it. My first MRI showed a lesion in the pons, since then, my bp, specifically the diastolic, runs anywhere from 88 (good) to 156 (not good), but likes to hang in the 98-104 range. So far, bp meds aren't stabilizing it, and I'm schedule for hypertension clinic on Wednesday.

            Basically, I'm a "chill pill", but the VA Cardiologist said I "internalize" things, and feels that has something to do with my bp running high. Guess I may learn more on Wednesday!

            My pulse runs in the 90's to low 100's
            My BP had been normal (high normal - but normal) when they put me on atenolol in Oct of '09. They put me on the atenolol b/c I suffer from migraines and I certainly was going above normal when I got then and the atenolol also helps prevent migraines so it was a good choice.

            While on atenolol it had been great. 130/78 typically. When I started flaring it rose a lot. Hasn't really gone back down there. My pulse looks more like yours does - but yesterday very low, even though it felt like my heart was racing. Odd. We'll see what they say.
            Sasha - dx January 2011; tysarbi, zanaflex, gabapentin, and baclofen
            ~Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.~


              My BP was low until MS diagnosis. Now it is volatile, especially in the doctor's they think it's "white coat syndrome.". The systolic goes sky high, the diastolic stays low. I do get really anxious in a doctor's office and the fact that the nurses freak out when they take my bp almost sets me up for a self fulfilling prophecy scenario. Oh well, been like that since the start of the MS stuff over 15 years ago. I tried bp medicine but it dropped it too low at home.

              There are studies that MS can affect heart rate and bp...MSers showed definite variabilities in both that were not noted in the control group.


                I don’t know anything about beta blockers, but my DW has migraines and have seen how they change her normal 120s/60s BP to 140s/90s.
                There is no question to the fact Pain does increase BP.


                A few years into my MS experience I let myself get up to 218lbs and BPs of 140s/90s, with family history of strokes it scared my me enough to start BP meds and get down to 185lbs.
                A few years latter a started taking fish oil, and had to cut me BP dosage in half.
                This year I started Ampyra, changed a health diet, sinus surgery to breath normally, and finally started exercising, it was hard work BUT I’m now in the 170s lbs,off my BP meds and has been around low 120s/low 70s.

                So anyone that have given up and think they will have to take BP meds for the rest of their life, I like to let you know with hard work, getting off BP meds it possible.

                Also don’t trust the nurse’s reading, they are extremely often way off.
                Just yesterday went to my GP for a general check up, and the nurse got 154/98!
                And 10mins later the doctor got 124/72.
                Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.

