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Histamine as MS treatment?

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    Histamine as MS treatment?

    Has anybody ever heard of this?

    ~ Faith
    ~ Faith
    MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
    (now a Mimibug)

    Symptoms began in JAN02
    - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
    - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

    - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
    - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.

    The histamine theory isn't new and is the idea behind bee sting therapy and the Prokarin antifatigue patch. Although some people still advocate it, the simple application of histamine hasn't panned out over the years as a general MS treatment.

    Even though one of the scientists quoted in the article said, "This research is very exciting..." it isn't really. There are many interventions that look promising in a Petri dish or a mouse but don't translate into humans. The title of the article actually gives a clue as to how promising the histamine findings are: Histamine May be Possible Drug Target. "May be" and "possible" are about as noncommittal and unexciting as a suggestion can be.


      OMG !!! I am doing so well on histamine. You have got to try it. I can move so well now, where as before I was at the wheelchair stage. I couldn't hardly walk more than 500 feet. Now I can walk !!!

      Its all because of the histamine. Its a miracle for me.


        The histamine took away my spasitity also. I can feel the carpet. I didn't realize I couldn't feel it before. I can feel each fiber in the carpet under my feet !!!

        Its totally helping me.

        Copaxone did nothing at all for me. I got worse on it. Same with all the other pills and stuff they give you.

        Prokarin works. I can walk now with a spring in my step.


          This "treatment" surfaces every few years. Here is some information discussing this histamine/caffeine combo, from Quackwatch:

          Prokarin Prokarin (also called Procarin) is a skin cream that is administered using a patch that enables its ingredients to be absorbed. The treatment is based on a hypothesis that involves histamine and dates back to the 1940s. The primary promoter is Elaine DeLack, a nurse who "discovered" and patented a mixture of histamine and caffeine. Compounding pharmacists prepare the product, which is inexpensive to manufacture but is sold for about $250 for a month's supply.

          In February 2002, the journal Multiple Sclerosis published the results of a 12-week study of MS patients in which 21 people took Prokarin, 5 took a placebo, and all participants were asked to limit their intake of caffeinated beverages to one cup of regular coffee per day. The authors concluded that Prokarin produced a "modest" lessening of fatigue. [10]. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society advises that the study is difficult to interpret because the number of participants was small; the numbers in the Prokarin and placebo groups were very different; the fact that Prokarin contains caffeine might mix up the results; and other reasons [11]. The Society has also warned that Prokarin lacks a scientifically plausible rationale and has not been proven to modify the course of the disease.....see the URL below to read the full article.

          “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
          Diagnosed 1979


            Quack watch is a group that wants to promote the medical system which is focused at leaving the person in ill health and not creating health. All they want to do is make money by leaving the people sick. That is why there is not cure for many diseases and if they are found they are supressed and hidden from people. Its a dirty rotten shame that it happens but if you research the history of medicine you will find out the truth.

            So if you want to stay in ill health believe them. I usually disbelieve most of what quackwatch writes as I feel they are fradulant. They want to keep the public ignorant of treatments that have the possibility of working.

            If you search online you will find studies from back in the 1940's where people had IV's of histamine. It stopped flares. It was done on more than 1500 people. The doc died that is why the treatments stopped. They also did shots of it. There are other reports if you search for the patents on histamine and the histamine receptors where they show relief from shaking, increase in enegry, weight loss, mental clarity, improvemnt with walking.

            You have to dig for information. So to say the patch is worthless based on one site is wrong. Go to youtube and watch the testimonials. I have nothing to gain over telling people Histamine is working for me.

            When you can only walk 500 feet with your feet dragging and need bilateral support from another person and cane you can see how severe I was.

            Now I can walk normally and balance normally. I can exercise, my pain is decreased, my mood is improved, I am so thrilled that it is working for me. I don't mind spending the money on something that is working.

            If you want to believe that it won't work for you that's your issue. I prefer to be open minded about my treatment options. At least now I can walk. I can get up and down from a chair without help. I can get off the floor without help. I am doing things that I haven't been able to do for a long time. That makes me very happy.

            Prokarin works !!!


              Prokarin works well enough for enough people that it's still on the market. That it works for some folks with MS could be another of the indications that MS expresses differently in different people -- perhaps in the same way that LDN and the DMDs work for some folks with MS and not for others.

              But, conversely, Prokarin hasn't been shown to work well enough for enough people over the years that it merits widespread recommendation. And that could be another of the examples that what works in a Petri dish doesn't always work in humans.

              It seems that Prokarin hasn't worked well enough for enough people to warrant the testing necessary to determine exactly which ingredient in Prokarin makes it effective. It might not be histamine at all, or it might be only histamine in conjunction with caffeine, or some other factor. On the other hand, it isn't clear how a lot of drugs work! So it comes down to an individual's willingness to try Prokarin to see if they're one of the seeming minority for whom it's effective, keeping in mind that it isn't clear how it works.


                One needs lots of money to get a medication approved by the fda. Unless a private individual has millions of dollars to get a med. approved it won't be. It's simple.

                There are many scientists who have researched and found validity in it. Currently there are two companies who have patents out for similar formulations. You have to search online.

                One company is Merk. I don't rember the other company. They also found histamines to be effective for shaking, and other symptoms. If it wasn't effective than why are these companies involved with histamine. Why are there textbooks written just on Histamine on Amazon and other sites that are filled with evidence. One company is using it to help with cancer. Another uses it for weight loss. Yet others for mental clarity.

                It does much more than treat fatigue. However you would have to read online.

                I will not Bicker, Grumble, Argue as its not worth my time or enegry. Life is too precious to spend it that way. There is always people who are skeptical about things.

                The facts are out there pure and clear if anyone wants to look for it. Its not hidden. One can open there eyes and read or be blind to the facts. However one has to be wise enough to know where to look to find evidence.

                For me, I have found a treatment that WORKS GREAT !!!

                Not only that research has found it to reduce inflammation in the brain and help with the myelin. Thats great !!! I know that is where I need help.

                It works way better than ampyra. I have been able to go off all muscle relaxers, all pain meds, I am sooooo much better Its amazing. I don't even take the ampyra anymore.

                I choose to do things more naturally. This fits my approach and lifestyle. Best wishes to all.


                  I am updating on my histamine use. I am doing great !!!

                  Its the next best thing to a miracle for treating the ms symptoms !!!


                    Wonderful to read that you are feeling well.

                    Thanks for the update.

                    I look forward to more.

