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Pain from MS?

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    Pain from MS?

    Sorry if this has been covered before, but this is my first post and I can't seem to find a search for the forums yet. I am going through my first major flare up since being diagnosed with MS and most of these symptoms are not what I experienced before. The main problem that worries me is pain in my chest and neck. When I asked my neurologist if MS could cause the pain he said no. Then I found this wonderful website and it sure seems like it can.

    From what I have read here, I think I most definitely had the "MS hug", but my question is do people continue to experience pain off and on from it?

    I am also wondering if my neck pain is MS related. It feels stiff and sore mainly but there is some pain, so I am wondering if it is stress and anxiety related. To say I am not handling this latest flare up well would be an understatement. Another thing to muddy the water is my neurologist thinks I may have plaque build up on my spine/base of my head. If that is the case, could that be causing the pain/soreness?

    Thanks in advance for the advice!

    It seems like you've run into a dinosaur neurologist - one who doesn't think MS can cause pain. For your well being, I would suggest a new neurologist because this one will never treat your pain symptoms, no matter how bad they are. I've been fairly lucky since I've only had pain in my thigh due to a flare up, but my mother had burning feet that gave her hell before the days of any treatments for MS.

    I'm not sure about your neck. It could be tension or the MS or whatever the doctor was talking about. You need him to clarify his diagnosis and ask him about neck pain, but I'm not too happy with your doctor. Bring it up with your primary care MD.
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."



      my rhum yesturday said she thought my "pain" was fibro, not related to my "probable ms"......
      tho my neuro thinks its spasicity......
      so not sure myself which is which....i just kno the pain is there, neck, shoulders,arms, hands and hips.....
      dont know what to think!!!!
      your horse must be fast cuz' you were haulin' ***** when I passed you!!!!

