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Switch from betaseron

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    Switch from betaseron

    To those of you who have taken betaseron in the past then moved to another DMD, what made you make the change? And how's the new med working for you?

    i went to tysabri, after using betaseron for 3 years. i began walking like a robot, 6 ,months earlier i had hives that i though were from betaseron, the neuro did not.

    then i had a routine mri, that showed a new active lesion in my occipital lobe, and a build up of new inactive lesions in my corpus colusim.

    neuro called my up the next day recommended i start ty. actually by that time i was a little scared, it was becoming more and more visible how stif muy legs were--this was going kind of fast.

    i did a 30 day wash out of betaseron. i was still walking stiff legged. i had my first tysabri infusion on the 30th day of my wash out, the earliest time i could start ty.

    next day, just like that my legs were not stiff any more? and they didn't hurt & wake me at night.

    it was good. but the neuro thinks my symptoms might have been a side affect of betaseron & not from ms progressing?

    i did really well for 2 days then less well, better than i was on betaseron but not as good as i was those 2 days then i improved more slowly.

    she thinks the improvement was not for tysabri, but from getting the last of betaseron out of me. she thinks i had a little bit of beta in me then it combined with ty to give me 2 great days, then betaseron left totally and i began improving more slowly....

    what is known for sure is we will never know exactly what happened...could have been ms and it could have been a side affect to betaseron i had developed after 3 years or a combination of both? ...we will never know..what we do know is for whatever reasons beta wasn't working for me after 3 years.

    and tysabri has worked well for 2 years...but you caught me on an anxious day--do i really need to be on tysabri or should i be on something else? it never goes away this uncertainty & not knowing if your doing the right thing?

    i did not go to gilenya because i thought it too expensive for me--so it was an easy no brainer decision--now someone had to show me that i can afford gilinea. should i be using tysabri yet?...grrrrrr. how do i decide? who will tell me? what if the doc doesn't know? i so much more liked it when i thought one drug was out of my reach financially. this being able to afford either sucks!


      I was on Betaseron twice, the first time, by the time I got to the full dose it hurt to inject, every place I injected hurt to touch, plus I felt weaker, more tired and sexual dysfunction started three quarters of the way through the titration. I took my self off of it and my Dr. said to take a break and start again in a month and titrate slow, one month at a time, it seem more tolerable, but I had a side effect (same as before) sexual dysfunction, so I quit again and we decided to take 2 months off to see if it is the MS or the Betaseron. But I know I won't go back on the Betaseron again, it hurts to inject and it's too sore. I have to decide soon which one of the other DMD to go on, I am leaning toward Avonex, it's only once a week...I don't know!

      It seems weird to go on a medication that actually makes you feel worse!

