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Update on Dad (re:What happened? post)

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    Wondering how your dad is today?


      Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I have been super busy with him. They transferred him to the rehab center today. I got him all settled in. Because of his mental confusion & aggression they have him on the Alzheimers/dementia floor. There was a lady moaning and getting pretty loud. Dad said that scared him. This just isnt Dad. He isn't normally scared of anything. Said he saw something crawling on the wall that wasn't there. Still very mentally confused. It seems to be forgetting more recent stuff. He cant remember something I have told him 5 min later. He is very weak & couldn't get out of bed if it were on fire. They wont start physical therapy til Monday. Otherwise he is better. They said the kidneys are back to normal. Second chest xray showed one lung all clear, but the other still had some pneumonia. I am hoping if this mental stuff clears he will be able to move to the straight rehab floor. I think he will be happier there.

