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"The Spoon Theory" by Christine Miserandino

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    It made me cry

    Hi folks:

    I found this article today posted in Facebook in the MSWorld Facebook page. It came just in time to explain to a family member how it feels like to have MS.

    Yesterday I posted a few pictures that a photographer took of me when I was 25. One family member posted that I should get motivated and look the same again. I replied that it was easier said than done, since just a year and a half ago I was running on a treadmill and that I can't do that anymore b/c my legs turn into noodles when I even walk too much. Another family member posted that Montel Williams have had it for many years and that he looks great. That I should do the same for my three children.

    I responded that I, not even one day I give up on my children b/c of this disease. That I dare her to wake up every morning in pain and still manage somehow to keep going. You all know is not easy, to say the least.

    Anyhow, after my reply I found this and sent it to her. I'm a great believer that God is always watching and always give me the tools to continue and to express how I feel. This was his way today of giving me the words to do it.
    First episode with third pregnancy
    On my fourth med: Tysabri since Jan 2013
    Proud mommy of three children


      I think we can all agree to that. We don't want to have to count our spoons. We want to be able to create more spoons..... but that is reality. We can't. Some days are better, some worse. But together we can at least try to work through it and maybe, just maybe, we can share our spoons with eachother when we need them.
      Dx RR MS - April 1st, 2010. (19 yrs old)
      Words To Live By: "Fall Seven Times; Stand Up Eight."


        When I saw this on Facebook last week, I shared it with a select group of family and real life friends.

        Well, what do you know? Not ONE single person has mentioned it to me.

        I'm kind of hoping that I posted it wrong and noone actually got the forward......

        Hugs and Prayers,
        Mis-Diagnosed with Parkinson's for 1 year.
        Now being watched and tested for Neurological Movement Disorder, most likely MS.


          thanks for posting this!

          I have never seen this before. It's such a great tool to explain things so people can get a better understanding of why I say no to doing some things. I have to save a spoon for something else. thank you!

