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Trouble talking

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    Trouble talking

    I seem to be slurring my speech at times. It makes it difficult to talk. When this happens it is also hard to write, (actually I print). It comes and goes when it wants to, but is happening more often.

    Anyone else ever have this as an MS problem, or do I have something else I should be concerned with.

    Yes and yes! Sometimes not only do I find I slur, but spit out the wrong words or twist them around. My kids can always tell a bad day when on the phone they say I sound like I have been drinking, but the know what it is.

    When I do the word mistakes, I have to pause, take a deep breath, and speak slow and precise, then I can usually get my message across.

    I'm not sure why this hits when it does.. it's not when I am overly tired or anything like that.

    Writing too, at times, looks like a grade schooler. Just another lovely part of the MS, I reckon. It's one I can live with, but I feel your pain!


      Oh yeah....It is like I am a drunk person, between the walking and the slurring of speech, I am a mess sometimes. Some days, I think it is the brain cause the wrong words come out, other days, the words are right I am just not saying them properly. Fryustrating cause I like to talk. My kids laugh too when they talk to me on their way int work and I am slurring. There are so many things about this that frustrate me, but at least I can walk and talk even though it is not very good.



        I didn't realize what "slurring" was before, but last night when I went to say something to my daughter, not one word of the sentence came out sounding like what I was saying. I thought slurring was your words coming out slowly. Until just a moment ago, I didn't realize that my mumbled words were slurring! I've made jokes about it when it happens, doing the "duh, that's all folks" (from the old cartoon), for YEARS, not realizing that I was slurring my words! I feel so dumb.

        For years, the Doctors would ask me if I had "pins and needles" feelings anywhere. I said "no", until I was in a MS chat room (may have been the old one here, don't remember), and was telling someone that my feet would get that, "going to sleep" feeling. It was explained to me that "going to sleep" feeling WAS the pins and needles the Doctors were asking about! I honestly didn't know, as we never used that phrase "pins and needles".

        Wow, sure do learn new things here!! Thank you all!
        MS, it's a brain thang!
        Proud to have served, U.S Army WAC

