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    Someone told me

    "are you sure you don't have migraines? My migraines sounds just like that!"

    Well, I don't know...I do have a kind of headache or ache in the neck/jaw area which often accompanies the nausea. And I have heard that migraines have an association with ms. But I don't have any visual disturbances during these "attacks", like aura or colourful spots or anything, aren't those something the migraines are mostly about?


      Because MS affects the way systems in the body work, it makes sense that it could influence the GI system as well. I have had several periods (beginning even before dx, so before Copaxone & solumedrol), lasting a month or two each time, where I would get sick around dinner time every night.
      When I am having nausea, it is almost always worst after I eat. I feel comfortable fully attributing this to MS because it is so consistent, even if no other factors are.
      "Be the reason for someone’s happiness, not just a part of it. Be a part of someone’s sadness, but not the reason for it."

