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Those pesky know-it-alls and the cure for ms??

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    Those pesky know-it-alls and the cure for ms??

    While reading on the board today, I see I am not the only one with a problem about people who know how to "fix" me.
    There are people who are just sure they can fix my migraines with a vitamin, or taking away aspertame..
    By changing my diet.. they can cure my all of the same protocols.. be it faith.. diet or vitamin.
    My question is not so much how to handle this.. as to why do you think other people seem to feel so free to do this?

    My lastest story is: I have a family member who is firm believer in the "raw food diet" (yes they have done it for cancer) did it work. They say it did.. right after ..She was cured by God. the did take chemo and radiation..
    Now.. I have a dog who is very sick and they feel I should put him on the raw food diet. This diet they say will save him and build back lost bone!!!! I am just shocked..
    but more so.. shocked that not only they believe this..
    They feel so free to tell me and that I feel a burden on my self to check into this.
    I have to make sure I am not letting my dog down and that there is nothing to this diet. What is the motivation to other's inflicting themselves into our lives.. and our reactions.

    the raw food diet, a friend of mine told me the same thing , thats what he lives on but yet he is always sick, so i told him i would give it a try to i ate some raw burger and got sick, so i guess it really does work lol.


      I think people today in general are way more into other people's business than they should be. Most seem to really feel they have the right to let you know their opion on every topic, no matter how it makes you feel.

      I have one word for it - RUDE!

      I usually just try to switch the topic, or exit the situation.


        Yeah, it is rude. It's one thing to say a change in diet or lifestyle can "help" you, it's another to say it will "cure" you. Some things CAN, but to make it sound like your MS is curable just by eating a raw food diet or eating more flax seed is just silly.

        I say ignore 'em, or even better, get really informed and outsmart them.


          Oh my gosh I can't quit laughing. Thanks I did not start out laughing . NO hamburger allowed lol


            My Mother

            My Mother insists I have brought my neurological problems on myself - most likely by poor diet.

            I remind her that she smoked when she was pregnant with me.

            Of course my dear mother blames me for lots of stuff.
            Think of something you would die for, and live for it.


              I'm so tired of being told eating organic will cure me. Uh, MS has been around for 100 years, people were eating organic back then, so no, it's not a cure. Same with gluten free, that's not gonna cure me either.

              I know one lady who is convinced eating organic/gluten free is curing her fibromyalgiaand her son's ADHD, her other son's bipolar disorder, and the 11 million other things she, her husband, and her kids seem to have. Yeah, not so much. She has yet to make the connection that maybe, just maybe, their issues were caused by the husband's 4 deployments to Iraq, his continual cheating on her (until they became devout Christians), and the 7 cross country moves they've made in like 10 years. But yeah, it was the non organic baby carrots and Little Debbies.

              Something's gonna kill me sooner or later, if a brownie takes me out, so be it.


                I wonder if cancer boards have this same stuff??


                  Originally posted by nixiepixie View Post
                  if a brownie takes me out, so be it.
                  what a way to go, right!?!


                    Originally posted by nixiepixie View Post
                    Something's gonna kill me sooner or later, if a brownie takes me out, so be it.
                    Agreed!! I can imagine that kinda messin' around with an otherwise unhealthy diet might help some things.. but man, a candy bar and a pop or 2 ain't gonna hurt me more than I already been hurt.

