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Copaxone I want to hear from everyone!

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    I spent 6 or 7 years on Copaxone (starting back when they did send the one that had to be hand mixed with water, and then loaded into the syringe) and I never had that itching problem though I did get red welts that were sore, especially in the legs. The red welts never stopped the whole time.

    I didn't find the shots painful in themselves, but I always used ice packs before and after. and I never figured out how to work that auto-injector, so I always used manual injection.

    There was never any nurse or anyone who showed me how to do those injections, so I just picked up the box at the local pharmacy, read the instructions, and injected. Since my husband is a nurse, he might have helped but I found I did OK anyway.


      Today was my 11th injection. Has been going well so far - minor burning for a bit and that's about all. Did have a bit of a lasting lump on my thigh. Hate doing the thighs! Is there anyone not rotating through all injection sites? I'd prefer to stick to the hips and stomach only.
      It's been easy enough so far but I can see it getting old really fast! But I plan to stick with it.


        I thought the stomach was easiest to do, and the arms the most difficult, so I altered my regime a bit. If I wore a sleeveless or short sleeve top, those big red welts looked ugle, so I liked to minimize tht.

        I divided the stomach into right and left sides and used each as "a site." That way I did the right arm one week and the left arm the next, while the "right stomach" got one shot each week, and the "left stomach" got one shot each week.



          I used Copaxone fo a long while and I had a little itching at first but it was very minor. I did rotate the injection sites and I always preferred my stomach, maybe because I have had 2 c-sections so that area remains a little numb. Anyway, I always had good luck with Copaxone. It felt like a walk in the park compared to Avonex, which I had trouble tolerating.


            My first injection was easy. Nothing happened. I was very encouraged. For me, reactions have gotten worse. It started out as a tiny lump and a little itching. Now, every injection is followed by a lump, soreness, and itching. I had one reaction on my thigh that was so bad, it impeded my ability to walk!

            For me, my abs are the easiest. It's like flynace67 said, after a c-section, there is a little numbness and it's still where I carry a little extra weight.


              My first injection was fine. I'd done manual injections before, although none that have the bee sting factor Copaxone does. I got sharp twinges of pain from my belly all evening, and it is still my least favorite place to inject. (And I've had a Caesarian, FWIW.)

              I'm about 4 months into Copaxone now, and my reactions are the same as they were when I started. It's fine going in, and starts to itch and burn about 2 minutes later. I get a large red welt and a lump each time, and they last for 3-4 days. Each lump "lights up" when I take my next shot, so I'll have about 4-5 itchy spots all evening after my shot.

              I tried heat packs and icing and it made no real difference. It's annoying, but livable, and certainly worth doing if it can reduce further damage in my brainmeats.

