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    POEM 25 "EASTER"

    This will be my last poem posted for a time. This i chose to post as my last one because my youngest daughter's birthday happens to fall on Easter this year. I wrote this while in Basic Training for the Air Force and it was read infront of a congregration of approximately 5000 patrons.
    My greatest thanks goes out to everyone whom has read and commented on my prior 24 poem posts. Please enjoy this one also.

    Easter is a day of sharing
    One’s table filled with love
    A day of special caring
    From God’s most precious dove

    His life he gave
    For his love was so great
    For our souls to be saved
    Our sins he would take

    Forgiving all
    Whom did him wrong
    Heeding to the call
    Of the angels’ song

    We should all pray
    And thank him dearly
    Each new day
    And not just yearly

    God will forgive
    The least worthy of men
    If admitting as they live
    They know they shall but sin

    Absolutely beautiful and so true.

    Thank you.
    God Bless Us All


      That is really pretty and Thanks for sharing it. I have to admit I missed the others.
      I have a tendancy to catch what is first when I log in. I will have to go back and do some reading.
      Nice work and Happy Easter .God Bless

