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Worried about pregnant dd (not ms related)

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    Worried about pregnant dd (not ms related)

    Went to docs with dd today, nothing MS realted, but they think she has preeclampsia....Probably put her on bed rest this Friday after one more urine test.....She hates to sit and stay in bed even more, but since she is slose and I am feeling better, I offered to help her till baby is born. June 16 is due date.

    I just do not want anything to happen to her or the baby...It is her first and she has been so well so far. I would rather have another relapse myself if someone has to have health problems.

    I could use your prayers for her.



    Judy, I will include your dd and her unborn baby and yourself in my prayers tonight!!

    Try to stay positive and think good thoughts!


      I will pray for her too Judy. I hope the baby stays put a good long time. This happened to my sister in law and she ended up delivering three weeks early but her son was and is perfectly healthy. It will be okay. Prayers coming her way!


        Thank you both. My dh goes to church every Tues and Thurs. I usually don't go except on Sunday, I may start going with him.



          I will be praying for your dd and her baby and the family.

          I had preeclampsia with my 3rd baby. I Know how scary that can be. I was on bed rest then on hospital bed rest. I did deliver at 35 weeks. I was OK and my son was OK.

          My son is now 5 and is very healthy. I will keep y'all in my prayers. (((hugs))) to all.


            One of the best things you can do is TELL others to pray. And the chain of prayers will surround your daughter and keep her and her baby safe.

            But the way there IS a patron Saint for Mothers called St. Gerard. My mother would pin this saints medal on me and it helped spiritually. OK..that is a Catholic thing..but you can pray to this keep your daughter safe.

            Sending healing hugs and prayers~!!

            I believe in miracles~!
            2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
            Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


              Adding my thoughts and prayers! Hoping all will be fine. My babies were both early and you'd never know it to look at them now.

              Oh, I was about 8 weeks early, and you should see me know, "you look so good" !

              Not to minimize the situation, I am hoping to make you feel a little less anxious.


                I had it...full blown Toxemia by the end. My blood pressure was off the charts, literally, so I had to deliver early by 3 weeks. My baby was 6 pounds (how much bigger would I have wanted her anyway? lol!) and perfectly healthy.

                I was not worried at all because I didn't know better. My blood pressure never got back to PERFECT, but it's decent. Preclampsia is an allergy to your pregnancy and the cure is the birth of your baby. My legs looked like tree trunks by the end...that was almost 10 years ago now.

                I do believe in prayer...even scientific studies prove prayer is worthwhile, so I am praying for you all.
                Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


                  Thank you all for prayers.

                  She went to doc on Friday and she is going part time for now. Her blood pressure was down....I am so glad for lots of reasons, not the least of which is the health of her & her baby, but also for myself cause now I can see her more. She is feeling better, and swelling has gone down cause of the cooler weather we are having here in OH. she goes to doc every week, but I am glad she and baby are okay.

                  Thank you again, and please keep up prayers.


