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baclofen troubles??

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    baclofen troubles??

    Hello Friends,
    I have been taking 20mg of Baclofen at night for appx. 4 months now. About a month ago, I noticed part of my left hand becoming numb(pinky,finger and palm). No tingles, just completely numb. I assumed it was MS. Over the next month, the left hand has gone completely numb. Now I am having a hard time with holding anything, zipping my coat or using my left hand at all. It feels like the muscles won't work. I try and try but cannot get enough strength to make them work correctly.

    Yesterday I began to notice spasms in my legs. More than usual. To the point that they made me yell because it was a "ticklish" pain feeling. They go to sleep and they hurt so much when they are trying to wake up. Never had that before.

    Now today I am trying to lay down and take a nap, and now I keep getting the feeling that I can't breath. I just feel like my lungs are numb. Make any sense? I guess it could be a panick attack, but it feels very different and it wakes me up with a gasp.

    So im wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar to this with Baclofen or is it possible my MS may be getting worse?
    The Best things in life....aren't things!

    Numbness is NOT a side effect of Baclofen. I would put in a call to your neuro because what you are experiencing may in fact, be a relapse. Make sure to express how long it has been happening and the severity of the numbness. If it's been going on for more than a few weeks, steriods won't help because they are only effective the first couple of weeks of a relapse.

    Neurontin might help with the numbness but again, call your doc. You may need to up your Baclofen too to help with the spasms.
    Rae Roy


      I 've been taking baclofen for yrs now 20 mg. twice a day .I've never had the pills make me worse .

      They used to help alot with muscle spasms but are starting to not work anymore .

      An ER dr. told me it's not that good of a drug there are many that are better for muscle spasms .

      I'm hoping when I go to see neuro he can prescribe something better .
      A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails .


        I am currently taking 20mg of Baclofen three times a day and have no side effects. You really need to call your neuro doc and figure out what's going on there.



          Thanks for all the response. I did talk to my neuro and he thinks my MS is getting worse. I only thought it could be Baclofen because of the muscle weakness. I love Baclofen so I am glad it is not it!
          So now I am trying to get use to not having a left hand. If it was a flare, its too late to do anything about it anyways. As far as the legs are doing, Im still getting the painful jolts and it still takes my breath away. The lungs do feel better, so I don't know what that was?
          The Best things in life....aren't things!

