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IV Steroids

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    IV Steroids

    I was just wondering if anyone else out there has trouble taking IV steriod treatments? I was dx'd at age 19..I'm 25 now and have taken IV steroid treatments for years..the past few times I've had to take them due to relapses, I've had uncontrollable vomiting while I'm getting the's the weirdest thing and my neuro can't explain why I can't tolerate them anymore..I'm currently in a relapse and obviously can't take the steroids to help reduce my symptoms (numb and tingly from the waist down)..Has anyone experienced this?? Thanks!

    I'm sure there are several members here who do not tolerate steroid treatments. I hope your neuro has some other options for you. Can't say I recall your reaction being common though. Sounds awful!

    Hope more members here see your question and respond!


      IV Steroids

      I have only had one bout of the iv steroid/infusion and that was 3 years ago this July. I did not have any reactions to it, other than feeling very active. It was a great feeling actually, talked non stop, was constantly talking and playing on the computer (while in the hospital). I did not feel drugged up, just hyper. I hope you do better.
      Diagnosed 2/11/99
      Avonex 3/2/99
      Tried Tecfidera for 3 weeks. Couldn't handle side affects. Back on Avonex, for now.


        Well, the IV steroids speed up the recovery process and I'm numb from the waist down...I'm weak, no energy, and my balance is off...I work a full time job and have to be functional. I would definitely love to be able to feel the bottom half of my body..sooner than later.

        The neuro seems to think I'm gonna have to just wait it for me!


          I'm not able to take them as it messes up my blood suger so bad that it is so high that a meter cannot read it over 600 !! I took them one time for 3 days and never again, it took me 2 weeks to get feeling better afterwards.
          Plan for the future, but not too hard; it’s not your decision anyway


            steroids vs numbness

            Hey, I also got terribly sick the first time I was treated with steroids. I had very similar symptoms, the left side of my body was numb from head to toe. It messed up my walk, how I held things, and my balance. I found myself throwing up constantly during every infusion for 5 days. I am currently having the same numbness issue, this time its my right side though. And considering I am right handed, this has seriously affected my work as well. My neuro has put me back on steroids, but this time wrote me a prescription for the nausea. It has heled me tremedously so maybe that is something you could ask your neuro about. Hope I helped


              I can't tolerate it. I use acthar gel injections. They do the same thing. You give them to yourself with less side effects. Its very gentle to your system.



                I have been doing the IV for 5 months now.. I feel really good the days of the IVs and then a few days later i get pins and needles and aches in my shoulders and neck and my calves swell up but after that passes i feel great and can walk better. I don't sleep much anyways. i only get 6 hours asleep and then work 10 hour days.. i'm always tired.. I hate to take drugs that mess me up the next day..

