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Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies Feb 20 '11

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    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi Everyone...I am newly diagnosed as of today. I am completely overwhelmed, but happy that I found somewhere to get information and support.

    Thanks for listening.


      Greetings CREW-51...

      We have a new name to simply address all our regulars and visitors here at Rest Area 51.

      Sorry I am no help with, or experience with anything other than Copaxone. So far I am happy with my choice. The Copaxone needle is actually smaller than insulin needles when I first started insulin. I must admit it seems large next to the insulin needles I use now. Roo, I rember the STING etc when I first started copaxone, it will get better very quickly, but it still stings just a tiny bit. I did NOT want the FLU effects of the others and since I was already on 5 shots a day...whats one

      REMEMBER NO DMD/CRAB is right or wrong, you have to choose along with your neuro what is best for YOU!

      Weather in OHIO is no picknick, maye a bit worse than our Michigan horrable weather of late. We still have power outages here and even worse only 10-20 miles south and beyond.

      Saw the ortho yesterday...big huge waste of time. He ahd NO interest in the bone tumor issue, but was a tiny bit interested in other unrelated issues. HIs main focus is shoulders (repaired my R shoulder twice in 2007 from 2 falls).

      The bone tumor is a ways BELOW my left knee, but they Xrayed covering little below the knee, the knee and plenty above the knee... On top of that the angle for the Xrays was all wrong, the tumor is only visable from a side view Xray, not the frontal view they shot.

      WAIT and more waiting, nearly 2 full hrs late while I sat in the exam room. I almost left after 90 minutes, after the obvious sloppy Xrays, and more. I think he mostly does joints, so the bone tumor several inches away from any joint may have been well away from his comfort zone etc. If so he should ahve deffered to someone more suited to the issue at hand.

      He is kinda nice, was great with my shoulder, but a total waste on this. I have another doc apt next week to seek a proper referral to I hope is better for the bone tumor issue.

      Another week, another snow storm, but NOT at Rest Area 51, where its never too hot or too cold and the weather is always perfect and sunny.

      Gomer Dr. of, Been There, Done That


        Welcom Bella505

        Just know we have all been where you are. For me three years ago. If one of us doesn't know the answer to your questions someone else will.

        Doc. You should have taken a cot.

        Back before medicare and I could aford to be choosey I would give them a time at the desk. If I wasn't in the Dr.s office with in one hour I would request my co-pay back and I would leave. If it happened twice I would find a new Dr.

        Now that I am Medicare and there are only three doctors in a thirty mi. area I can't aford to be too choosey.

        Hope you are feeling well after all that office time. I started to get a cooling jacket but chickened out. By July I will be sorry I'm sure.
        Best to everybody

