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Decisions Decisions Decisions

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    Decisions Decisions Decisions

    My DH was diagnosed with MS in July and it's seems like it's progressing so rapidly that our heads are spinning. He is 40 years old. 2 neuros have told us they believe he's had it for at least 10 years undiagnosed. In the meantime he was sent to orthopedic drs, psychologists and so forth. But now we know what we are up against and while we don't like it at least it has a name.

    He was on Betaseron from Aug until this past month where a blood test showed his liver enzymes were off so he pulled him off. In that one month his health is deteriorating and his ability to walk is getting worse. After gauging his gait and symptoms the neuro has now decided that beta was doing nothing for him really. Both neuros we have saw so far said his MS is "progressive relapsing." It's so hard to watch someone you love go through this. He walks with the assistance of a cane and sometimes a walker. Sometimes I don't feel he's secure with either one.

    We are now faced with a decision from 2 choices the neuro has given. He has been on solumederol infusions starting at 5 back to back (every other day) and now once a month since Sept. with no real improvement. So now we have to decide between novantrone or tysabri. He advised us to read up on them and let him know what we want on March the 1st. I am trying not to voice too much of an opinion and stick to the facts only and let him make his decision. I am beside him 110% either way but both petrify me! We have 2 young children and life is already turned upside down since dealing with this monster.

    I guess what I am asking for is others experiences with the two and if any one has any input from the caregivers perspective. I don't know what to expect from either one of them clearly. I've read the official info on both courses and am aware of the extremes yet somehow I can't accept it.

    It's a very scarey place that we are all in. We try to be strong for him and encouraging but most of the time I am a mess on the inside. I don't want to steer him wrong. I don't want to encourage one therapy and come out with the horrible possibilities and then blame myself or worse yet him blame me. It's almost like I am the parent of my husband right now. MS has effected him mentally as well as physically and I worry about his capacity to make this decision. This could be huge! So far I have no peace either way. I can't tell his thoughts because I swear I think he leans on me to make the decisions and this one I just can't do for him.

    Hello Julie!

    My heart goes out to you and your hubby as you work through the craziness of this new diagnosis and the pressure to make a decision on medication.

    Unfortunately, I don't have advice for you other than go where your heart leads both of you. In my house, I am the person with the MS (dxd in May 2009) and my husband has been to every neuro appointment with me. That you are supporting and helping him with things, including understanding the MS and its medications, is such a wonderful example of love for your children see with their parents. (However, all of us on this board KNOW how hard some days can be!)

    MS is difficult to understand (because each person's experience is different). The meds and options are so much better than it used to be, BUT when your life has been turned upside down, like your husband's has in such a short time, I can see how your options feel scary!

    My advice is to pray and trust your is God talking to you!

    Another idea: There are many more experienced people on this board than me, so you may want to post it under general will get more visibility and hopefully more support and comments from others!


      Thank you for the advice! I believe I will do just that. I am happy to hear you have a supportive spouse to help you along this journey!


        Hey Julie,

        I was Dx when I was 32 and I am 40 now. I was RRMS at first, but have been changed to Secondary Progressive now as I don't have discrete events/attacks. I was on Betaseron for about 8 years and have been doing the Novantrone infusions every three months for almost a year and a half. My neuro did not want to got the Tysabri route as it not officially approved for progressive MS. I have been able to tolerate the Novantrone pretty well - no hair loss, no nausea, etc. It does seems to help things stay constant and not get worse, but I will need something else soon as you can only be on Novantrone for two years because of the risks of heart disease and leukemia.

        Just remember to keep living your lives. I have some mobility issues now, but I still get out and do things. I use a walker around the house and a wheelchair when I am out. I use the wheelchair as it saves my energy. I had hand controls put on my car and that gave me a lot of freedom back, so I could do things on my own again.

        I hope that helps a little.



          Thank you Will! That certainly does help. We had his appt last week and told him our decision was the Novantrone which he is in full support of and has referred us to an oncologist to begin the necessary testing on March 21st. I am more at peace about it than before because he seems to be worsening still and we have to do something.

          One a good/GREAT note his liver enzymes were almost back to normal! That alone was a huge relief!

