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When the doctors won't help.

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    When the doctors won't help.

    I recently got copies of my records from my neuro doc, and they state in the records that I have intractable headaches and significant neuropathic pain issues. I also have my hospital records that show my fibromyalgia history.

    Given these things in black and white why am I having problems getting in to a pain clinic? They know I don't have insurance but I told them I would pay for the visits. I've been waiting two weeks and frankly I'm ready to kill something.

    My family doc used to be so helpful before my MS diagnosis, but it seems that now that I finally have a diagnosis hes doing nothing. The only reason I have a headache med is because someone else filled in for my neuro doc on that day.

    I just don't understand why I can't get any help. It's almost like they are suspicious that I'm wanting pain meds when I never did before. I'm used to being stubborn and toughing it out but it's to the point where I just can't.

    I realize that being a self referral is probably weird to the pain clinic docs too but what else am I supposed to do with no insurance and reluctant doctors?

    Unfortunately, what they want is proof that your doctor can't or won't handle your current medical condition (basically, they don't want to step on toes...). Can you convince a doctor to say that?


      Drs has never helped me!


        Your thread is right on my subject

        Wow that could have been a thread I posted especially today. I had my 2nd appointment at a new clinic and they again asked me my pain level and I had also done a dramatic demonstration of my face/eye pain/migraine related to my big ON attack. I told them the higheslt level of pain in first meeting and this one. I was ignored again! And really they have badgered me about "do you use drugs" or "do you smoke cigarettes".

        So same as you I get the feeling they think I want to be addicted to pain killers or something. Fact is opiates do nothing for this pain so what am I supposed to be malingering about this time. New "doc" spends whole meeting writing things down and then dismisses me.

        I guess you have to lay down on the floor and scream in pain before they believe you. If you do that however you may get punished. If you complain about the doc or clinic they may ask me to go elsewhere .... that is my fear as another place will probably be the same.

        I suggest you put your pain complaint in writing. Some states actually have rules about your right to get pain medication. Perhaps you could also do some research (and me also) about what others are getting for your type of pain. Some medical people seem to think the whole MS thing is a big fake or something. I can't understand what their cynicism is about.

        Why does communicating with doctors seem to be the biggest impediment to getting help?



          I had a hard time getting pain meds till I got in my 40's for some reason they must think older people don't abuse drugs .

          I went to a pain specialist they seem to listen and are willing to try to get pain under control . It's almost as if pcp's and neuro's don't want to be respondsable for anyone taking addictive prescriptions .

          I have learned they hate to give some things like vicodin (I take it ) because after surgery they have a hard time controlling your pain .

          I take cymbalta , neurotin , baclofen , an vicodin for pain . and they are usually enough . When my pain is not under control I go to emergency room and get a shot for the pain . I don't know if that helps you any .

          I am sorry to hear you are finding no relief , being in pain sucks all my energy away . It's no kind of quality life .
          A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails .


            Doctors are being pressured by both federal and state regulators about "excessive" prescribing of opiate pain medications, and some states have passed very restrictive laws requiring really onerous record keeping for patients receiving such prescriptions.

            It's not unwarranted, as in many states the number of drug overdose deaths is rapidly increasing, and now most of these deaths are due to OD on prescription drugs, not street drugs. A significant number of "pain patients" are scamming doctors to get prescriptions for Percocet, Vicodin and the like, and then they sell them illegally.

            This is what is making it so hard for legitimate pain patients to get prescription "controlled substance" pain relievers. We suffer when the regulations tighten to prevent abuse, and doctors then cut back on prescriptions they write.


              Been there!

              I spent my first weeks (6) in limbo with one of those drs. I dreaded going he was the worst kept telling me to "just get better" because he could not find the answer. I finally got into another dr and just in time. my last apt with dr doom was really bad I have problems with heat and he wanted to do a nerve test. Me being desprate for answers agreed.

              He put me in a bed with a heated blanket for almost an hour for this test said it would help me relax. just the opposite for me within 20 minutes I could not talk I could feel the heat and my body locked up by the time he was done I couldnt move at all. He finished the test and said I was completely normal and again to just get better and have a good day and proceeded to leave the room. My dad had driven me to the apt and told him it was bull**** that he was saying nothing was wrong when I couldnt talk or get up. I got a letter 2 days later stating he would not provide any more care. but that is for the best.
              Remember the drs are working for you and if you dont get along find a new one. Some drs are there just for the paycheck and not for the money, you need to find one that you connect with and that actually cares.

              Good luck !


                Wow, Jenn. All I can say is that your post just made my jaw drop.

                What a jerk!

                I hope you all find the care that you need. I can't say how many times I've been in unbearable pain and, before I'm even able to say why I'm at the clinic, I'm approached by staff telling me they "don't provide pain meds, here".

                I guess I just have that "druggy" look...
                [insert motivational quote here]

                DX of Lyme Disease May 2010/Still under investigation for body madness


                  Sorry it took me so long to get back to reply. I actually forgot I posted! I received a bunch of papers in the mail from the clinic to fill out for an appointment.

                  These people are crazy strict talking about having to bring my unused meds to every appointment. I can only use a particular pharmacy - the list goes on. They even have a clause asking me to agree to psychological counseling if they feel it's necessary and an exercise program. I'm wondering if I'm going to see a doctor or the damn lifestyle police.

                  Then the best part is every visit will generate 2 bills. One from hospital and one from doctor. This is the only clinic remotely close so I guess I get to have fun going broke.


                    Geez! I am so sorry you have to go through all that!

                    I totally hear what you're saying about the lifestyle police. I understand that some people have problems with pain meds but to go to extents with everybody.... that's a bit much.

                    I really hope you can find some relief with all of this. It's bad enough you have to go through the physical pains but to have to deal with the mental anguish of their complicated process just isn't fair to you.

                    You'll be in my thoughts. I wish you the very best.
                    [insert motivational quote here]

                    DX of Lyme Disease May 2010/Still under investigation for body madness

