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Just Some Thoughts

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    Just Some Thoughts

    Hello, everyone. My account was having some issues so I wasn't able to post anything but I'm back now thanks to Becky, so...yay! Thank you, Becky!

    I had to go to the ER, last night. NOT fun.

    I had to go around midnight by ambulance with my 11 year old son (SUPER NOT fun).

    To keep it short, I had shocks in my neck, going into my head and spine, a fever, coupled with my left side not cooperating, making me walk like a drunk.
    My guess is, when I called the on-call doc and she told me to go to the ER is that she thought I had meningitis.

    It was enough to freak me out so I started calling around for rides. I sent my sister a text and she replied with "I'm not feeling ok, either. I can't handle sh**, anymore. I'm going to bed."
    OK...guess I wasn't getting a ride from her. I believe she was drinking, too...

    I call my son's father. He's all sorts of high on pain killers cos he had a tooth pulled 3 days ago.
    No ride there.

    Oh, well... I go into panic mode, having to call 911 to speak to a snotty operator about how I HAVE to find a babysitter for my son (which I can't) so I tell him I guess I just can't go.

    The ambulance people came anyway and said that wasn't true about my son and were very nice, along with all the people at the hospital.

    I was given a CT scan, peed in a cup, had bloodwork and an IV with fluids, toradol and reglan. My dx was neck pain and paresthesia with no explanation. I was given an Rx for percocet and flexeril and told to go to a neuro, with a suggestion to get an EMG.

    I guess I didn't realize how well the meds they gave me had been working as, this morning upon waking up, I immediately started crying in pain and my bf had to carry me to the bathroom.

    I've since taken ibuprofen and percs and I'm still walking like a drunk, but I'm not in as much pain.

    I guess it's time to really push for a neuro, eh?

    Thanks for reading. I guess I just wanted to get it out and let others know that I wasn't just not posting for any no good reason.

    I hope all of you are well.
    [insert motivational quote here]

    DX of Lyme Disease May 2010/Still under investigation for body madness

    OH dear how awful..what an experience~ HUGS!!!

    Glad you are back though. Sorry you could get no help from so many in your life. How's your son doing? This had to be hard on him too..esp at THAT hour. Geez. Glad the EMTs were nice though.

    Hang in there..hope we can help some. YOU just got added to my prayer list~You WILL get answers one day..soon hon soon..this will be your past and you'll be well cared for.

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


      Bless your heart. I am glad that you are home now. I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that.

      I am glad the EMT's were a help. I how is your son doing? I know that was hard on you and him. I wish i could be a help to you.

      I need your E-mail address so we can talk more. I may try to IM you if i can figuer out how to do it. You can look in my profile and get my e-mail address and i will reply back.

      Lots of (((((hugs))))) and i will keep you in my prayers.


        Thank you, mjan and minivan. You guys are always so supportive.

        My son is great, actually. He was ecstatic that he didn't have to go to school the next day (as we didn't get home until 6am) and slept all day (as I did).

        My legs are still very weak and my left one is burning on the inside but the meds the hosp gave me are very, very helpful.

        I did write a giant letter to my doc, asking him to not give up on me and to trust my feelings more, instead of pinning all of this on depression.

        Surprisingly, though, I totally forgot to give him my paperwork about going to the hospital, this last time.

        Oops.... Hopefully, he'll contact me soon and I can tell him. Otherwise, I'll have to make the scary call myself.

        Anyway, time for a shower. You guys rock!!!
        [insert motivational quote here]

        DX of Lyme Disease May 2010/Still under investigation for body madness


          oh that sounds terrible. HUGS!!!!! I am sorry you had such a terrible experience, and with your rides all being otherwise indisposed.

          I hope you can see a neuro soon!
          Sasha - dx January 2011; tysarbi, zanaflex, gabapentin, and baclofen
          ~Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.~


            Wow, what a terrible time you had! Thankfully the EMTs were great and understanding!

            I do hope that you get some answers soon Mama.

            In the meantime hope the meds they gave you will continue to give you some relief!!

            Sorry no one could sit with your son- but I bet he didn't mind missing school the next day he-he!!


              ED departments are never much fun, especially for those of us with complex medical problems- having different opinions from different doctors can just add to the frustration and confusion but when you gotta go, ya gotta go! and we have all been in that situation

              as for the snotty 911 operator, there is never any excuse for snottienss and if fact it is the last thing that we should here from a 911 call taker- they should be professional enough to keep the attitude to themsleves until the caller is off the line- i work in the equivalent of a 911 call centre (its 000 here) and while i do not take those calls i hear them, i know they get some frustrating calls and maybe its the end of a long and frustrating shift, but it should never be passed onto you the caller- i guess they have to make sure that you have tried to find someone to stay with your son as there is liability issues if something happens when he is in the ambulance but once you say there is no other option, thats it, there is no other option! here, when i have to go to the ED, they will not take my wheelchair even though i am stranded without it if they send me home, as i have no one to collect it for me unless a neighbour is home but there take on it is that in the back of the truck, if there is an accident the chair becomes a hazard! i guess i can see both sides

              the paramedics are usually remarkabley patient and i am glad that you found the same- lets face it, when we consider all the types of calls they get, yours would have been a low stress call- that alone would make them more laid back and friendly!

              As for how you feel, i would certainly be calling your neuro, i know we cannot blame everything on MS but what describe still sound like something a neuro should deal with and i get the feeling you do not have an MS dx yet- hopefully the more pieces to the puzzle you present your neuro, the sooner you may get a dx and some answers

              hope the pain settles soon though

