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Symptoms List

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    Symptoms List

    I feel like my dr thinks I am "pushing" for a dx when I come in with a symptom list. One of her drs notes even said "Patient complains today of "a WHOLE new list of problems...and then listed them from paper" (I got this after being referred to a specialty hospital..."

    This angers me. Shouldn't I bring the list? Has anyone else dealt with this?
    Momma to 3 little ones

    Hi Warriormomma

    Sorry that your doctor seems dismissive/indifferent/disinterested? (not sure of the best word to use).

    My neuro was glad for the list I brought to my first appointment. He thanked me and sat and read it in his office (I could see him from the room I was in across the hall).

    He asked if he could copy it and put in my file.

    My list described how the symptoms affected me, like: weak muscles after hot shower, right arm gets very tired at work, after walking awhile I start limping, trouble putting coins in vending machine, eyes get blurry after exercise, etc

    I would be leary of a doctor who seems disinterested from the start.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      HUGS Warriormamma!

      Who cares of you have a list and why wouldn't you or anyone want an answer=diagnosis~ Geez. Sorry you had to go through that. I too brought a list of bullet points with my medical hx since birth and symptoms. That MS neuro was grateful and placed it inside my chart.

      Later when his "backup" neuro was covering, he came in and introduced himself saying, "Let me tell you what I've learned about you." Then proceeded to TELL me by heart, my bullet pts on my LIST!! I was so impressed that not only took the time to read it..but REMEMBERED and took my experience seriously.

      Whats wrong with this doc? Its "old" thinking that ALL the answers can ONLY come from a doctor w/o regarding YOUR symptoms, lists, patterns to help them know.

      I agree with KoKo..get a NEW doc!

      We're on YOUR side..and here for you ok hon?

      Warmly, Jan
      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


        Originally posted by warriormomma23 View Post
        I feel like my dr thinks I am "pushing" for a dx when I come in with a symptom list. One of her drs notes even said "Patient complains today of "a WHOLE new list of problems...and then listed them from paper" (I got this after being referred to a specialty hospital..."

        This angers me. Shouldn't I bring the list? Has anyone else dealt with this?
        I agree with the anger! From my experience, this has been a sign of the doctor not believing you have what you say you're having. My neuro wants me to come in with a symptoms list - it saves time.


          I would get a different doctor. You need someone to take you seriously and listen. I'm having a similiar problem with a doctor right now and it's frustrating.


            omg yes I get very angry at that too so I just quit talking and looked for another opinion and will keep doing it till I find someone who will listen to it.


              Thanks everyone

              I feel so much better now. Sometimes, I truly do feel like a hypochondriac with this dr. You guys are great!
              Momma to 3 little ones

