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CIS; 3 months symptoms, 1 2cm lesion at C2.

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    CIS; 3 months symptoms, 1 2cm lesion at C2.

    I've basically been told by the Dr. that I am most likely MS (1 month numbness to weakness in lower body, 3 months numbness to total uselessness in hands, L'Hermitte's) . However, right now it's CIS (or like I have been calling it to make my family feel better, S without the M). I'm getting my spinal tap in the next week or two.
    First, the spinal tap is supposed to be under fluoroscope; can you guys tell me about getting a tap, how the rest of the day felt, etc? Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous about needles in my SPINE.
    Also; Can anyone throw me some quotes about the % of CIS > MS over what time? I found a page on MS society but it was not really what I was looking for.
    Lastly, I would LOVE to hear from people who initially presented WITHOUT brain lesions and just spinal/cervical lesions. I just want to hear from someone who's been there. The dr was being pretty peppy about my probable future with this disease, but I don't know how much smoke he was blowing.

    I also have CIS, but I definately have MS. My doctor even said that. I have lesions, positive CSF, and one clinical episode. I just need another flare and I am official. I am not sure about the non lesion thing, but I do know that it does happen. I am glad to hear that you have a doctor that is willing to look for MS without lesions, that is a very good sign.
    If you are nervous about the spinal, I suggest asking for something to relax you. I took a lorazapam. It really helped me. I had my second one done under fuoroscopy and it was a breeze with the med. I still hated it though!
    Best of luck!
    Sasha - dx January 2011; tysarbi, zanaflex, gabapentin, and baclofen
    ~Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.~


      Hi, I was diagnosed with CIS in 2007. I have 2 lesions C2-C3 and no brain lesions. My spinal tap was negative.

      Hopefully, your DR will follow you with MRI's every 6 months for a while.


        Salamander; you had better bet I'm going to be as drugged as they will let me be...

        Tessa; I believe that is the plan, continual MRI's. The DR I am seeing is a MS specialist. He seems to know his stuff. Heck, I have to get my tap soon because he's going to europe to speak at some conference about MS

        Anyone else, CIS to MS?

