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provigil side effects

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    provigil side effects

    I finally got the provigil and am not sure how I like it so far. It certainly keeps my mind awake, but my body is still weak and tired. It is like I am trapped in the present and cannot retreat into a spaced out half consciousness to avoid my pain/discomfort. I have always been interested in the mind-body connection, and have become quite skilled at separating the two through meditation and MJ use. I can usually escape the muscle/joint pain(caused by the rebif?) by levitating my mind above my body and I actually feel nothing at all. With the provigil it is like my mind is firmly anchored in my body and I am a prisoner to the pain. I did about 7hrs of work yesterday and was lucent the entire time, but every step felt like the last few staps of a marathon. My arms and legs feel like limp noodles, I feel weak and have no physical stamina. Is this how others feel when on Provigil? I was hoping it would improve my muscle energy, but has just magnified my awareness of my discomfort.


    Provigil is a stimulant.

    Provigil does not improve muscle fatigue but is helpful, for some, in staying awake and having more energy.

    Muscle fatigue can be helped, for some, with Physical Therapy and/or exercise.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      On occasions I am dead tired and need it, it works okay. Certainly, nothing really stimulating to me.


        after 1 week, Provigil is nice

        I was initially skeptical of any stimulant, but after 1 week I am now a believer. I take it as I am getting out of bed and by the time I am out of the shower I am "on". I get to work and feel like superman. I am a mechanic and do in depth diagnostic work to find difficult problems that other mechanics struggle with. I have become overly thorough, but that is not a bad thing. I keep singing the line from Reading Rainbow's theme song "I can do anything" and it really feels that way. One downside is that my body sometimes has difficulty keeping up with me brain, I will keep going because I want to find the problem, but at a certain point my body says "hey wait for me" and I need to take a little break. I also feel happier and less of the ****** (jerk, if ****** gets censored) I have historically been labeled as. I get home and instead of laying down for the evening, I do some chores, make dinner, walk the dog, etc. I have also been able to stay up past nine p.m., had dinner with friends Wednesday and also Friday, which makes my wife happy, as she is the more sociable one.

        My wife is a recreational therapist and works with adults with all kinds of disabilities, and is convinced that I am on the Autism spectrum, Asperger's, more specifically. I have noticed that I have sometimes been even less aware or concerned with other's feelings. For example when asking a simple yes/no question to a co-worker, and they want to give an explanation of what led up to their yes/no answer, I have less patience to listen to them and have interrupted with "all I need is the answer to the question that I asked, which is either yes or no". I was always this way, but lately I am less inhibited to make my feelings known.

        All-in-all the I believe that provigil is making my life much better so far. Whether it is just the Provigil, the Rebif, diet/supplements or any of the many other lifestyle changes I have adopted I have been feeling really great this past week and am back to feeling like the 28yr old child that I am instead of the 28yr old geezer that I have been feeling like.

        BTW- I also had an intestinal pinworm infestation that has been treated and I also feel much better knowing that I DON'T have worms-yuk.


          Glad to hear Provigil is helping you, mattntp

          I am pretty much screwed when it comes to helping my fatigue with medications...they make me tired
          Diagnosed 1984
          “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

