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Muscle *twitches*??

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    Muscle *twitches*??

    Hi everyone, I have a question --

    I was diagnosed on Wednesday and will soon start treatment with Rebif. However, my question has to do with the above.

    I've read that lots of people have muscle spasms or spasticity as part of their MS symptoms. I feel like I have something like that, but I'm not sure, so I need some help.

    When my symptoms first started, they really presented on my right side and I noticed there felt like a very heavy and tight "band" over my foot. This has since gone away for the most part, but ever since that went away I've felt what I call muscle *twitches*. They could be spasms, I don't know, but they're not really painful, I just feel (and see) a muscle in my leg, foot, arm, etc jerk for a second or two.

    Does this sound like something anyone else has dealt with? The twitches aren't painful, just annoying and embarassing. It's not like my arm flails or anything, just like a little tic almost. I'm in the process of trying to figure out what symptoms are MS related or not so any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance!

    DX'd 2.9.11
    Has NO idea what she's doing


    Hey there, I also experience muscle twitching, and my neuro had told me that it does have something to do with the spasticity. I was put on baclofen to help with my spasticity and it does help control the twitches. I've realized that the twitching happens more in the evening, I guess cause my muscles are tired. I would speak to your neurologist about this issue, it's always good to make a list of everything you experience, so you don't forget anything to tell your neuro about. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but i'm glad you found msworld, it has helped me out greatly!

    Ashley Ringstaff
    Living with MS since 8/30/10



      I had the same thing in my left leg. I take a mild muscle relaxer twice a day, and it stopped.


        I get those twitches and jerking almost every day, mostly in my legs. I can even watch the show thru my pant legs. At least they don't hurt. Mine also seem to happen more in the evening. I don't take anything for my twitches, but I do have a relaxer for things that hurt.

        Gomer Dr. of, Been There, Done That


          I get twitches in both arms and legs, eyelid, and yesterday my ear drum was fluttering. Most of the time it is annoying more than anything and eventually it goes away.
          DX RRMS 4/22/11


            Supplement with Magnesium. Magnesium helps with nerve conduction and muscle contraction and most people with MS are deficient in Magnesium.

            Magnesium also reduces bladder spasms, and along with Calcium, helps with myelin stability.

            Try taking about 400mg Magnesium mid-day and another 400mg early evening and you may see these muscle twitches go away without the side effects inherent in a muscle relaxer.

            Google: "magnesium multiple sclerosis" for more information.


              twitches / spasms

              I get those spasms or twitches as you call them in my legs. Usually in or around the area I give my weekly Avonex shot. I also have the spasms around the eyes. Its not daily but often. They are not painful just irritating for sure. I have never taken anything for the spasms.
              Diagnosed 2/11/99
              Avonex 3/2/99
              Tried Tecfidera for 3 weeks. Couldn't handle side affects. Back on Avonex, for now.


                I'll have to try the magnesium. Even though I only take 1/2 a tablet twice a day, they do make me tired.

                Had to buy a pill splitter, since it is impossible to split one of those little pills with a knife.


                  Hi I was just wondering is the Magnesium over the counter or is a prescription? I also suffer from twitching, spasms, spatisty and it's very annoying and it leave me sore.



                    Someone here also told me to use Magnesium and I have to say it did help some although has not taken it away 100%.

                    I get these awful spasms and twitches a lot mostly at night but there are days when it happens as well.

                    When this happens at night sometimes I don't know if I fall asleep because it has stopped or if I get so exhausted I sleep through it.

                    I hope everyone has a twitch/spasm free night.
                    Dx MS Aug 2010 (after 2 years of searching)
                    Started Copaxone Aug. 2010


                      I have the twitches also. It usually happens on my left side but my right eyelid has been twitching for the last week. As with everyone else it is not painful but it is annoying. I often wonder if people can see my eyelid twitching. If they have noone has ever said so. I have tried magnesium but it did not work. I have just learned to live with it.
                      Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

                      It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
                      Babe Ruth



                        I have RLS restless leg syndrome and it causes twitches but they are more painful and a feeling like I have to move or I will explode. Does anyone have that and if so do you ever get it in your arms? I feel sometimes more like I have restless arms than legs. Also I am so glad someone mentioned the eardrum fluttering. I have that also and didn't know how to describe it. Twitches and fluttering are not fun!


                          Ear Drum Fluttering

                          Yes I had the ear drum issue a year or so ago, went in and did some testing...can't recall the name of the test but all came back normal...that tells you it is this lovely MS condition.
                          Diagnosed 2/11/99
                          Avonex 3/2/99
                          Tried Tecfidera for 3 weeks. Couldn't handle side affects. Back on Avonex, for now.


                            I take Magnesium for twitches. It's not prescribed but over the counter. I also take Baclofen for spasticity.



                              I was told here one time they are called myoclonic jerks excuse my spelling it may not be correct . I take baclofen for them as they are so severe I sat straight up in bed while sleeping it woke me up .I get them in all my muscles I call it doin the herky jerky dance while in bed . they are way worse when I try to relax .
                              A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails .

