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    I happened to catch this show the other night...maybe a re-run, but the mystery disease was (drum-roll please!)...MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS!

    No wonder we get such little research funding for M.S. Apparently this disease is even more obscure than I thought if it was featured on a show like this! Uggh!
    Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994

    Was it Hooknfoot's story? I think I have that name right. She used to be a member here, and the triggering event to her first major flare was stepping on a crochet hook or knitting needle as I recall.


      Interesting. From what you know yourself, were you able to pick up on some of the symptoms and deduce this when they finally said what it was? I have watched this show myself and I agree, a lot of the diagnosis' are obscure.

      But then, MS is a mystery in itself. I don't know about you, but I had lots of false dx's before the mystery was finally solved by way of an MRI. I had to wait years to get a definite answer.

      Maybe this show is helpful in that it shows the viewers the frustrating dilemna in getting a correct dx!!
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Originally posted by Justsayyes View Post
        Was it Hooknfoot's story? I think I have that name right. She used to be a member here, and the triggering event to her first major flare was stepping on a crochet hook or knitting needle as I recall.
        Yes, that's the episode.

        I have heard suspicions of mono or something viral triggering M.S., but never a crochet hook. Since nothing is really known for a fact about what sets off M.S., maybe it's true? Maybe it was a coincidence? In my case, the docs suspected my bout with Lyme Disease triggered it, but I could remember weird stuff happening before the Lyme Disease, but the weird stuff got a whole lot weirder after the Lyme, and made me seek out the tell-tale MRI and all it's ugly plaques.

        MyStery is right!
        Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


          I find it ironic MS is featured on such a show as Mystery Disease. This has been a major rallying cry for Montel Williams for years that the quoted numbers of people with MS are grossly under the reality and another reason for lack of funding. He estimates through his nonprofit organization there could easily be twice to three times as many people with MS just in the US.

          Some of my last research on MS indicated they are thinking it could actually be a combination of diseases/conditions/syndromes rather than just one disease as has been thought for years. They are still at a major loss for the cause and triggers, much less the actual impact of genetic linkage.

          To compound the seriousness of a doctor making a diagnosis of MS, look at the impact it has on one's personal insurance situation, job opportunities, and then their kids and grand kids pre-existing potential liabilities.

          MS a mystery disease? You bet it is!
          Craig Mattice~Living Life On My Terms~
          No Excuses No Regrets!

          Richmond, VA USA


            hey craig, i believe ms is made up by more than one issue (disease), like lupus is. i`ve been saying that for years.
            what network is mystery disease on? i like those kind of shows.

            MS World
            PPMS DX 2001



              Mystery Diagnosis is on the new OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) Formerly, Discovery Health.
              Beki: "God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way."


                I have thought about writing all the doctors I've seen over the years and asking them if, when I'm featured on Mystery Diagnosis, they want to be one of the multitude of doctors who gave me a wrong or no diagnosis, or if they want to be THE ONE who finally figured it out. Maybe that would get them motivated to find some answers!
                Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                  Oh goody, now I have 2 Mystery Diagnosis things. I saw one a few years ago about PCOS, which I also have. Maybe I can just watch TV and have all my medical issues identified.


                    Originally posted by Shashi View Post
                    I have thought about writing all the doctors I've seen over the years and asking them if, when I'm featured on Mystery Diagnosis, they want to be one of the multitude of doctors who gave me a wrong or no diagnosis, or if they want to be THE ONE who finally figured it out. Maybe that would get them motivated to find some answers!
                    OMG, I would SOOOOOOOOOO love to have all the Doctors that said everything was my imagination, my hormones, was exaggerating symptoms, etc. on a show like that!!! I plan on having a wonderful dream tonight about that!
                    MS, it's a brain thang!
                    Proud to have served, U.S Army WAC


                      Shashi I have written "The Doctors" and ask them begged them to do a show on MS. I have written a few times. They had 1 very small part of the show one day maybe 5 min long but I've written to ask them to do a WHOLE show on it.

                      I'd love to have seen the Mystery Diagnosis show.... I know it's so very hard to see doctor after doctor and even sometimes the same doctor over and over and hear "We can't find anything...." but in the end it's worth sticking to it.
                      Dx MS Aug 2010 (after 2 years of searching)
                      Started Copaxone Aug. 2010


                        Originally posted by angelpach View Post
                        Shashi I have written "The Doctors" and ask them begged them to do a show on MS. I have written a few times. They had 1 very small part of the show one day maybe 5 min long but I've written to ask them to do a WHOLE show on it.
                        omg! I have watched this show too and thought about writing them as well. If enough of us write to them, maybe the message will get through!!

                        I can just see us! We could be in the audience with our canes, walkers and wheelchairs in the front row. We could speak up or ask/answer questions!!

                        Think about it!!
                        1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                        Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


                          I remember...

                          I remember that episode, that was one of the first for that show.

                          Some suggest that MS lies dormant and is triggered by some event. I know my MS got a lot worse after I had a bad reaction to a medication. Since then i haven't been the same.


                            Originally posted by mysham View Post
                            I remember that episode, that was one of the first for that show.

                            Some suggest that MS lies dormant and is triggered by some event. I know my MS got a lot worse after I had a bad reaction to a medication. Since then i haven't been the same.
                            My first flare was triggered by the unexpected death of my father when I was 26, the second was the death of my grandmother. This last one was after 6 solid weeks of horrible family events. Just about a month after these things happened, I had a flare. Before and after these events I was 100% symptom free (except for the permanent numbness this last flare caused in my hand). Events were definitely triggers for me.


                              I haven't been diagnosed with MS yet (and might not ever be), but my first symptoms started shortly after my mom died and after I got married. So, if it is MS, that might have been the catalyst for it.
                              Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                              Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                              Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!

