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    I have heard/read alcohol can make symptoms worse.

    I have a few beers here and there, maybe 3x a month.
    Hanging out with friends, watching concerts, sporting events, etc..

    Not sure if I should stop? Or, maybe cut that way down?

    Does anyone here drink on occasion? Just new to all this.

    I used to drink a beer or 2 once in a while but found that it causes more problems for me such as balance . I sure miss it though, I worked at Coors Brewery for 20 years.


      I rarely (once a that rarely???) drink but when I do, my balance is off and my bladder is weaker. But I am at home usually or with family when I have a drink or two (beer, wine or Jack Daniels). It does relax me, though. But I am back to "normal" the next day. Symptoms don't stay with me regarding drinking.



        Lol....Drinking messes with balance??? Guess we all have been dipping into the sacramental wine huh.

        I hope no one took this the wrong way! just having fun. Not making fun of sx's. Be Well!


          I ended up having problems with even the occasional glass of wine or beer. The last time I tried only three sips with dinner, my body became incredibly weak and it took several hours to recover. Now I'm on pain meds, so I couldn't have any even if I normally did fine.

          From what I understand, some people with MS seem to do just fine with the occasional drink. If you don't experience any negative s/e, I would think you'd be okay. Just pay close attention to your body as things can change almost overnight.
          dx Transverse Myelitis March/2008 - dx upgraded to RRMS June/2008
          Rebif June/2008
          Tysabri October/2010


            Yeah I totally stopped drinking. I have balance issues as part of my MS and drinking makes is worse. Not worth the trouble.

            Now my hubby says I am a cheap date LOL! Soda or Iced Tea for me thank you.

            MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!


              I don't know about a beer here & there but, I used to drink alot!!! I'm sober (7 years) now.
              I do miss having a beer on a hot summer day or the social times (bars)& friends I used to have. (I will admit I had some fun.)
              But, When the party was over, it was the angels here on this web-site that helped me. It may sound funny but, I'm lucky to have MS to help me. I don't have the craving to drink, since I stopped. I think It's because; in the back of my mind, I know with this disease, it will make the MS much worse if I keep getting ***faced .(never mind that I'm off balance anyway.) Also it negates the Meds that I take (Betaseron.) It's like taking nothing to slow down or stop the progression. Good Luck and God Bless



                I am a young man and was in the process of building my own elaborate home bar when I was diagnosed a couple months ago(progress has been slow lately). Surprise, I was a regular(3-4 times a week) drinker, but have cut it back to no more that two beers at a time and no more that twice a week. I have cut back mainly to see how the Rebif will affect my liver, then I plan to resume as much as I feel is reasonable.

                My symptoms are relatively mild, but I am constantly dizzy and have poor balance along with other symptoms. These symptoms have not changed when drinking, I don't really even feel the effect from a couple beers almost as if my alcohol level is catching up with my inherent "drunkenness".
                I have thought of making a bumper sticker or T-shirt that reads-"I'm not drunk, I have MS" maybe even an MS ID card in case I ever get hassled by a cop who thinks I am drunk or on drugs. Reading back on this post makes me seem a bit irresponsible, but it is the truth.


                  I drink a glass of wine two to three nights a week and it doesnt seem to bother me. I will say that it's usually right before bedtime to kinda wind down from the day.


                    I actually talked to my Int. Med Doc concerning this issue b/c I noticed that red wine made my symptoms worse, she figured it was the sulfides in wine/wine coolers etc and suggested I stick with hard alcohol like vodka, Beam, Jack--this is why I do so love my Int. Med. Doc I am also on betaseron so I also only occasionally imbibe due to the whole liver function thing.


                      Dealing with a chronic severe illness including MS, I believe the importance of alcohol consumption becomes less if not nonimportant factor in your life.

                      Why? As already stated the effects only heighten the symptoms experienced dealing with cognitive response, balance, ambulation, and communication.

                      Now the really big reason most patients simply stop drinking alcohol altogether. The serious potential interaction with the medications we are all required to take just to function. The combination of alcohol and these meds alone may be dealing with potential deadly interactions, so why even risk it?

                      I was a heavy drinker from 2000, initial diagnosis, to 2005 when I stopped completely due to medication interaction. A heavy drinker because it seemed to require more and more alcohol to obtain any buzz. Stopped completely because of the potential deadly interactions I was not originally aware.

                      This is something best discussed in detail with your doctor. Make your decision from there. For most, drinking in moderation to very little on a monthly basis may not be a problem. That is something you will need to determine.
                      Craig Mattice~Living Life On My Terms~
                      No Excuses No Regrets!

                      Richmond, VA USA


                        i drink a couple/few beers a week, but i caution, check the interaction of alchol with your meds. i worked in the industry too, i sold coors and miller products for 22 years.

                        MS World
                        PPMS DX 2001

                        "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                          I love my beer. I do not drink as much as I used to, but I think part of that is cause I do not go out as much. When I worked at Old Navy with all the young kids, we went out alost every Friday night, but now that I am home, not so much. No fun to drink alone. Does not seem to bother me. I am off balance anyway....And dh and I will be having a few beers during the Super Bowl.

                          I think it depends on you alot.



                            I too used to go out and party a lot like 8 years ago...Except the next day for me i would wonder why my quad muscles would burn and ache after only taking a few steps. I defiantly think I am sensitive to alcohol anyway..Now, I have gotten to the point of I feel bad most days, and have some good ones..Why would i wan to ruin it with painful feelings of drinking..I find that each time I have 1 drink it affects me differently..Like one day I will have a beer and not feel bad 3 hours later on another day I will have an internal weakness and muscle fatigue...Alcohol causes all sorts of inflammation in the body, and that is what we are trying to avoid..So common sense..Listen to your own body..


                              My neuro said it was fine if I indulged every now and then. I am a lite beer drinker and don't see any difference in my reaction to it, as opposed to when I didn't have MS.

