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mild face blindness

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    mild face blindness

    Does anyone else have this? I'm trying to figure out if it could be from brain inflammation/injury from MS.

    I used to be great at recognizing people/remembering names. In the last few years I've gotten really bad and it's quite embarassing. I will see someone like a neighbor out at the store and it will take a full minute to register who they are. They're saying hi to me and I'm just staring at them and then suddenly I'll be like, "oh hi!" because it finally sinks in. It's the worst when people are out of their element, like seeing a co-worker out at a restaurant, etc... But really it can happen anytime, even when they are in their element. It happens a lot to me.

    Anyone else deal with this or do you think it's a neuro problem unrelated to MS? Thanks!

    I have a hard time too, but I've always had trouble remembering names. Lately people I should know are unfamiliar at times. I am very stressed lately and that always takes a toll on my mental skills and memory.

    I don't think my memory is that much worse than others I talk with. I often think I'm doing better in that area than my friends. Not sure what is normal anymore!

    I try to do some word games and reading to keep sharp.


      I've always heard crossword puzzles are good to help memory .... I just can never remember to do them!

