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Hot pan, slow reaction

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    Hot pan, slow reaction

    I am a little puzzled by this situation. I took a hot fry pan out of the oven (one that you can put in the oven with a metal handle). I had used oven mitts. I took my mitts off and turned around to grab a spoon.

    I forgot the handle was hot and grabbed it with my left bare hand. I remember feeling the pain and hearing the sizzle, but didn't remove my hand until my friend yelled to let go.

    I could understand if it was my right hand, since that is the one that is numb from MS, but my left hand has no sensory issues. Why didn't I let go?

    Your hand is only one part of a sensorimotor feedback loop that runs from your hand, up your arm, though your spinal cord, back down your arm and into your hand. Even if your hand has no sensory issues, a malfunction anywhere else in the sensory or motor part of that loop could have caused you to not let go.

    If you have a good, conscientious neurologist, s/he will be interested in hearing about what happened because it shows what's going on in part of your nervous system. If your neuro is a dud, s/he won't care.


      Hope you are okay. That stuff is scary. Let neuro know.


