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Would you go?

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    Would you go?

    Hello everyone,

    I hope 2011 is off to a fantastic start. I've started Copaxone and so far so good. I don't seem to be having any adverse effects other than dry mouth. Well, my mouth isn't actually dry.. it just feels dry. I'm drinking a ton of water, yet I'm not dehydrated in any way. Crazy.

    Anyway. My question is last summer I went to an MS specialist for a second opinion on my diagnosis and medication choice, (at the time I was on Betaseron). It wasn't a very productive visit. He wasn't convinced of an MS diagnosis and ordered more bloodwork on DNA type things to rule out other causes for my symptoms. During the visit he was talking at least as much to a resident as he was to me (which annoyed the crap out of me) and he made statements about Lyme's Disease that I knew to be wrong.

    I'm scheduled to go for a follow-up next month. Since the visit I've gone to an infectious disease doctor to get the Lyme's thing sorted out, had the blood work done (all negative), follow up MRI - my neighbor a radiologist with 20 years of brain/spine experience agrees that there are no legions in my spine but my brain is consistent with MS...

    So, would you go? I don't want to close that avenue if there's a nugget there, but I have a positive LP, I have constant (albeit only annoying, not limiting) symptoms, I have consistent MRIs and a major flare in 2009 with minor bouts of vertigo here and there..... should I risk this guy un-diagnosing me?

    Thanks for your help and advice.

    No, mostly because you have a diagnosis and treatment from a doctor you're happy with. Is it really worth getting angry again?
    My only qualm would be this. Do you think he has an option or diagnosis for you that you will regret not seeking out? If so, then go, but remember what happened the last time. Don't be surprised if it happens again.


      To get a copy of results - YES

      For anything else - why bother.


        I agree with the replies. You could even get a copy of the results by a phone request, probably, though they might need you to sign a release-of-information authorization form. You can do that by mail too if you're not in a hurry.

        I'm assuming that a neurologist prescribed your Copaxone, and you get along with that neuro?

        It's not that you'd be risking having this doctor un-diagnose you. It's that you'd be wasting your time and energy going there.

        Just my opinion.

        SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24


          Thanks everyone. I did get a copy of the bloodwork results neuro #2 requested. They were sent to my regular neuro as well. That's how I know they didn't lead to anything.

          I do like my regular neurologist and I appreciate his opinion. I just assumed a second one was in order and off I went. I get along with everyone.... not this guy.

          Thanks, again.


            Why cause yourself stress. If you are not comfortable with the second opinion Doctor why go back. I am a firm believer in a low stress life, if something stresses me I just don't go back there, there are too many nice things to have in my life.
            Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


              Unless you think there is a chance you are misdiagnosed I'd skip it.
              He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


                Been there, done that...

                Originally posted by todays child View Post
                Hello everyone,

                I hope 2011 is off to a fantastic start. I've started Copaxone and so far so good. I don't seem to be having any adverse effects other than dry mouth. Well, my mouth isn't actually dry.. it just feels dry. I'm drinking a ton of water, yet I'm not dehydrated in any way. Crazy.

                Anyway. My question is last summer I went to an MS specialist for a second opinion on my diagnosis and medication choice, (at the time I was on Betaseron). It wasn't a very productive visit. He wasn't convinced of an MS diagnosis and ordered more bloodwork on DNA type things to rule out other causes for my symptoms. During the visit he was talking at least as much to a resident as he was to me (which annoyed the crap out of me) and he made statements about Lyme's Disease that I knew to be wrong.

                I'm scheduled to go for a follow-up next month. Since the visit I've gone to an infectious disease doctor to get the Lyme's thing sorted out, had the blood work done (all negative), follow up MRI - my neighbor a radiologist with 20 years of brain/spine experience agrees that there are no legions in my spine but my brain is consistent with MS...

                So, would you go? I don't want to close that avenue if there's a nugget there, but I have a positive LP, I have constant (albeit only annoying, not limiting) symptoms, I have consistent MRIs and a major flare in 2009 with minor bouts of vertigo here and there..... should I risk this guy un-diagnosing me?

                Thanks for your help and advice.
                As someone from Lyme, Central (Connecticut), I went through the whole Lyme work-up to no avail. I had a million arrows pointing to an M.S. diagnosis at the time, but my doctor did not want to leave one stone unturned. In his words (kind of), "if there is the slightest chance that this ISN'T M.S. and just a crazy Lyme thing, we would want to know that, wouldn't we?" And with that, I got my LP and the most horrid headache of my life a day later. It was all royal pain in the you-know-where, and my Primary doctor also thought it was a waste of time, too (mind you my mother also had M.S., a really big, fat arrow pointing to M.S. in my situation). If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't. I would have just gotten on a DMD and began dealing with my diagnosis sooner. The whole Lyme thing often turns into a red herring.

                Whatever you do, good luck.
                Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


                  This sounds like me!

                  I am in the exact same boat you are! My neuro said it is probably MS, we have eliminated everything else, but I felt I should be diligent & get a second opinion. The 2nd opinion guy is an MS specialist & just looking at my MRI, he said my lesions are in the wrong place for MS. I am supposed to fu w/him on Mon bc I had the one last thing ruled out last Fri-hole in my heart causing strokes. I don't have a hole, thus no strokes. So, I am actually tempted to go see him to ask...ok, if it is not MS & not strokes, what is it smarty pants??

                  Go with your gut, for sure! My gut says I am going to stick with the Dr that makes me the most comfortable.
                  "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" Reinhold Niebuhr


                    Bill - I so like the way you think..

                    Tawanda - I actually went into this whole ordeal convinced I had Lyme's. Unfortunately, that's how I knew Neuro #2 was misinformed in some of his information. I had LD in 2008 and a recurrence in 2009. So, my primary neuro had to convince me I was Lyme free. In addition to blood work he ran tests on my spinal tap. It came back with 8 O bands and negative for Lyme. Just to seal the deal I went to the Infectious Disease Doc to make sure.

                    I've done alot of reading, I'm not a doctor but the differentials don't fit. I'm sticking with door #1.

                    Thanks for your help.



                      I would not trust my CAT 2 any dude that spewed known wrong medical info. My opinion was pretty well sealed before I got to that in your last response, but a doc that spews GARNAGE he knows NOTHING about (or he would have kept his trapper closed)...

                      I have a PROBLEM with ANY doc that pretends to know about something that in fact does NOT! WHY? If he missfires about one subject, he/she is likely to missfire about other things you might not catch.

                      Did you say s/he was a doctor of POLITICS or sumthin?

                      DocGomer Doctor of, Been There, Done That.


                        Thanks Gomer, you made me laugh.

                        Actually, I logged on to correct myself. I double checked and the report for my spinal said >5 O bands.. I'm not sure why 8 sticks in my head. (why... yes I am beating this dead horse, thank you very much)


                          I might be missing something here, but when you go for a second opinion you don't necessarily follow up with that doctor. It's up to you of course.

                          If you have a dx, which you do appear to have, and you are on a DMD then sounds like you are accepting of the dx.

                          I do get the dilemna though. I struggled with the decision to take a DMD. I've never been entirely happy with my DX. I do have lesions, both of the brain and the spine. Still lesions can be indicative of many things.

                          Getting a dx can be either too simple or too complex. So much depends on who you see.

                          I often think of going to Duke or Mayo and having a complete MS study.

                          Maybe though I'd still wonder. It is very hard to accept this mystifying disease.

                          You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


                            Originally posted by DianeD View Post
                            I've never been entirely happy with my DX. It is very hard to accept this mystifying disease.

                            I think you speak for many, if not all of us.
                            Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


                              A good doctor that you are comfortable with is so important. If a doctor didn't treat you as you feel he should have and you are uncomfortable with him but you still want a second opinion...find someone else to get your 2nd opinion.
                              But if you like your first doctor...stick with him.

