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Calling all limbolanders-limbo check in 1/11/2011

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    Thanks, jrswannie1. Lots to think about.


      Blood Test Clear Also

      So, they have ruled out a hole in my heart causing strokes, which caused the lesions, and now they have ruled out a clotting disorder, which could have caused strokes, which caused the lesions. What now?

      Someone in an earlier post said if it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck, or MS in this case! I can't see my neuro next week so I am going ahead with the appt w/the MS specialist (who said I don't look like I have MS) to see what he says about ruling out the thing he thought I had...that appt is on Monday.
      "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" Reinhold Niebuhr



        zuzu20 - Good to see you. The sharks will be happy to take care of your doctor and your MRI. LOL

        This is the hard part of limbo. I am so sorry that your SX came back. I know you were doing so well and i know you are so sad to see them back. I know it is frustrating. Bless your heart. I wish i was there to give you a hug in person.

        I am so sorry that you can not drive now. I know that is hard. I have leg weekness in my right leg and when it is acting up i don't drive. It is very frustrating. I just makes you want to scream i know.

        I know that you are limited on what you can do. I would now talk with your PCP or a doctor that you trust. I think they need to look at other place and maybe see a new specialist. You need some new eyes looking at this.

        Keep on looking for answers. Take a break if you need to but don't stop looking for answers. Keep on posting and letting us help you through this. Lots of (((((hugs)))))

        jrswannie1 - Good advice. I have had some neuros also and how they get away with things i will never know. It is just so frustrating some times.

        My 1st neuro told me i was the mom of 3 and that is what was wrong with me. I never went back to see him and i have told others to stay away from him.

        My 2nd neuro just sent me to the rehumy after 2 years. He was a good neuro but did not know what to do with me. I do send people to see him. I am on my 3rd neuro who is a MS specialist.

        You are right that good neuro will do other test looking for other thing then MS. That is a good point that we need to remember.

        That is good advice. (((HUGS)))

        nana-anna - I am glad that your husband is home and helping you. I have had time where i was driveing and did not know where i was going.

        I am glad that you are going to focus on this next week. Lots of (((hugs)))

        amcgraw262 - Welcome to the island. I am so gald that you found us. Just know that you are not crazy and we all know how you are feeling.

        I am so sorry that you are not getting answers. It does make you feel like you are going crazy. Just know we are here to help you anytime you need us.

        As for the nursing i would post on the ladies room board. I am sure you will get some answers there. I am not sure about the MRI. I do know that it may not show on the first MRI. As for the LP i don't know. You can post your question on the main board. I am sure others would love to help.

        I am glad that your neuro is looking for what might be the problem. I hope you will get some answrs soon. I know it is hard to be feeling bad and have a new baby at home.

        Keep us posted on how you are doing. I hope your LP will give you some answers. Let us know how your LP went when you are feeling better. Lots of (((hugs)))

        stalo - Good luck with the MS neuro on monday. I hope he will get you some answers now that you have ruled out all that he though you had.

        I am glad that all came back clear. If the MS neuro will not hlep go back to your other neuro.

        Lots of (((hugs))) and let us know how your apt went.

        Well the sun and temp is up today. The ice is mealting. My kids have been home all week and are home on monday to.

        We have a busy weekend come up. I hope my right leg will be able to keep up. My right leg has been week. I hate when it does this.

        Well i am off to rest. I hope everyone has a good weekend and does not over do it. Lots of (((hugs))) everyone.


          lol, Ice is melting. I am sweating already outside when i am digging!

