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    I was diagnosed with MS in 2005. My symptoms were, and continue to be, mild. So mild, in fact, that I never know whether I'm experiencing MS symptoms or something else. I had been on Copaxone for three years, but discontinued after reaction and a few months of what I thought was a weakened immune system (I kept getting flus, colds like I never had before.) Currently, I am not on medication. In the past six months, I have been experiencing intermittent sensations in my left arm which I can only describe as electrical shocks. They are not really painful, but annoying as all get out. It is sometimes acommanpied by feelings of fatigue in my arm. To complicate matters, my last MRI showed a bit of degenerative disk disease in my thorax area, the same area where I have MS leison. My doctor sent me for physical therapy to see if it would benefit. I only just started and sincerely hope it is degenerative disk disease. My question to you guys...."Does the sensation I described above sound like MS pain?" Would be interested to hear how others experience MS symptoms.

    Yes, I have similar sensations in my left arm (my left side is my weak side). I've had them for a long time, and they're intermittent, but quite painful when they happen.

    My understanding is that, if other possible causes have been ruled out, the painful zaps are indeed due to MS.


      Several different types of pain can occur as a result of damage to the nerves: Dysesthesais, the most common pain of MS, are achy, burning sensations that generally occur in your arms, legs or trunk. The "MS Hug" is a tight, band-like sensation around your chest or mid-section; Trigeminal neuralgia is a severe, lancing or stabbing pain in the face (in the area of the trigeminal nerve); and Lhermitte's sign is an electrical sensation that some people with MS experience. This sensation travels down the spine and into the legs when one bends their head forward.

      I agree with Sequoia, if other possible causes have been ruled out, the painful zaps are indeed due to MS.


        I too get that awful feeling but like others I get an AWFUL pain. Matter fact the past few days it's been pretty bad.

        It does drain me of all energy and my weak side is the right. Although the left is getting just as bad.

        I guess the only thing that gets me through it all is that it will go away.... I never know how long it'll stay but for now it seems to go away for awhile.
        Dx MS Aug 2010 (after 2 years of searching)
        Started Copaxone Aug. 2010

