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Darvon off the market! Chronic Pain :(

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    Darvon off the market! Chronic Pain :(


    It has been a while since I have been here so I hope someone can help me.

    I have MS (since 2002) with chronic pain especially in my legs. I have been using Darvon N-100 for years which was the perfect med for me. I took 3/day which eased the pain enough to function. Now the FDA has taken it off the market (UGH) and my surplus is getting low so I have to start the search for an alternative.

    I don't want to take anything stronger than Darvon like Codeine, Oxycontin, Vicodin, etc. With Darvon I didn't feel doped up just less pain.

    I am allergic to Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Codeine. I have serious stomach digestive issues due to MS so Aspirin doesn't seem like a good idea. I feel like there are not options for me except detox from Darvon (which I have started) and have 24/7 pain.

    My Neuro gave me Percodan (generic) which has aspirin to try. One pill and I dizzy and goofy. So I cut them in half and took 1/2 this morning. We will see what happens.

    I just had back surgery in Oct 2010 (decompression/lamenectomy) which relieved the nerve pain in my left leg but now that I am detoxing off the Darvon I am feeling more and more pain (now I know why I started them 7 years ago). OUCH!!!!

    Not sure what I am asking but telling you my story has helped to relieve the stress of my situation.

    Does anyone have chronic pain and if so what types of meds have worked for you. I am very sensitive to medications which is why I am very upset that Darvon what d/c. It was the only med that worked for me.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful holdiday and I wish you all the very best New Year full of joy, happiness and most of good health.



    I don't know if you have tried it, but Gabapentin has been a Godsend for me for Psiatic pain down my left leg. This is a result of a severe back injury. With the Gabapentin I don't have any pain, which was waking me up at night.
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