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bouncing between pcp and specialists

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    bouncing between pcp and specialists

    What is this constant floating between your pcp and your many specialists? It's like they are in some kind of union, keeping each other in business.

    One doc tells you your insomnia is caused by your thyroid problem or your MS, but they want you to see your pcp for meds! I just don't get that.

    I mean, if anxiety or insomnia is typical of MS, why can't the neuro just order the meds we need? Why always send us back to the gp?

    How do you get your specialists to co operate?

    The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.

    I think it's almost impossible.

    Mine one trick is this. I insist on getting copies of all my medical records, and I bring the recent ones with me to my appointments. At least that way if they try to overlap, I have proof that the other doctor has already done x, y, and z. It's been helpful when my pcp refuses to believe that something is from the MS...


      Originally posted by marti View Post
      What is this constant floating between your pcp and your many specialists? It's like they are in some kind of union, keeping each other in business.

      One doc tells you your insomnia is caused by your thyroid problem or your MS, but they want you to see your pcp for meds! I just don't get that.

      I mean, if anxiety or insomnia is typical of MS, why can't the neuro just order the meds we need? Why always send us back to the gp?

      How do you get your specialists to co operate?
      Wow, you read my mind.

      I often have expressed the same frustration. Every doc I see sends me to someone else. The PCP seems to be the portal and also limited to those in his practice parameters.

      The frustration for me is that I don't feel well and so of course it is hard to get ready to go to the docs. I've become so disillusioned that I feel hopeless prior to going.

      I went to a gastroenterologist specialist due to gastro problems likely unrelated to MS. He talked to me, but he never touched me; just said I should make an appt. for a colonoscopy.

      I have issues with that due to my mother's unfortunate experience and eventual death. I won't go into this, but I hate going into the experience cold. By that I mean with no examination to perhaps rule out something simple.

      Everything is done by a formula. I was even considering using a doctor service that makes home visits which might be more thorough and make me feel more 'cared' for. NO, I'm not looking for a doctor to love me, but I would like individual care.

      Good luck.

      You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.

