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Looking for answers ...

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    Looking for answers ...

    Hello -
    I have not been diagnosed with MS. But I'm experiencing symptoms and I see a Neuro next week. I'm describing syptoms below - if anyone could provide feedback or opinions, I would GREATLY appreciate it!

    I'm experiencing muscle weakness in my arms and legs, numbness/tingling in arms and hands, vision changes, speech difficulty at times.

    By arm and leg muscle weakness, I mean very noticeable. I don't mean I get tired after a strenuous activity or holding something heavy for a long time. I mean, extreme weakness from everyday tasks. A few examples: arms get weak preparing plates for dinner (kiddos), cutting meat, salad, etc. My arms get weak putting mousse in my hair, any kind of task that requires them to move basically. My legs get weak just walking across the room. I have found myself walking slower just to keep them from feeling fatigued. Bending down at the knees to pick something up, my legs immediately feel tired when I stand back up.

    My forearms and hands go to sleep easily. They go to sleep every night and are fully numb when I wake up. They go "numb" and tingle doing everyday tasks. I can't hardly keep the phone up to my ear without feeling fatigued or my hands going numb. This makes me have difficulty grabbing or holding onto things. I have recently noticed difficulty while writing. I don't have the same control of the pen that I used to, and my hand tires easily.

    Vision - over the past couple of months my vision has changed. I have blurry vision in general - difficulty focusing. I also have trouble when things around me are moving, like in traffic. I can't process the movement at the same pace it's really happening. It makes me feel disoriented and dizzy.

    Speech - I have found myself slurring when I speak sometimes. Words run together and sound like gibberish. I also have difficulty literally find words sometimes. I can't think of what I'm trying to say.

    Chewing - at times my jaws/mouth feel tired when chewing. If I am eating something that requires extra strength, something chewy, my mouth gets tired and I literally have to stop chewing to let it rest and then resume.

    When I experience the muscle fatigue in arms and legs, I have to stop doing whatever it is I'm doing, let them rest, and I always experience a wave of almost throbbing sensation for a few seconds throughout my arms and legs. It's a wave of fatigue - hard to explain.

    Sleep issues - I've struggled with sleep issues for several years now.

    Some of the things that you talk about could potentially be MS related. Was the vision change sudden (as in you woke up one day and your vision was crap) or gradual (you realized one day that your vision had become crappy)? It sounds like your talking about a gradual change. Have you gone to see an optometrist or opthamologist?

    Unfortunately the only person who's really going to be able to get you working toward an answer is a neurologist. The best advice that you can get is to write down a list of all of your symptoms and bring it to your appointment and then talk about it with the neuro. Also write down a list of your questions (for me sometimes I freeze up and forget what I wanted to ask, etc.) and make sure to write down what your neuro says afterward. I always do the "So what I heard you say was ...." thing at the end of a discussion with a doctor. That way they can tell me if I have it right or wrong. Also tend to ask if there's anything they would ask that I didn't.

    I'm sure that more people will chime in with thoughts and tips. Keep us posted on how things go.


      Thank you

      Thank you for responding! I'm seeking responses from those who have personal experience, and I appreciate you! Regarding my vision, when I wrote "over the past couple of months", I meant it's been this way since about 2/3 months ago and hasn't gotten better.

      I initially thought it was just my age kicking in and my eyes changing because I first noticed blurriness looking at things close up. So I shrugged it off. But now things are blurry no matter the distance. And as I mentioned, I can't keep up with motion. It's as if movement of things around me is broken up, not continual. It makes me dizzy.

      And I'm having trouble reading. I find myself struggling to read the words in order and can't comprehend what I'm reading. I have to read a sentence over and over. This is VERY frustrating because I have always been an avid reader and love it!

      A couple of things I forgot to mention: Sometimes my knee will buckle for no reason when I'm walking. My knees feel hot often. I've always been a VERY hot natured person, but lately my feet and hands (and may be TMI, my butt) are extremely cold while the rest of me is hot.
      I've heard there are many 'mimic' to MS. What other things could this be if not MS? I am very lost at this point ...


        The mimic list unfortunately is huge. Lyme is one of the biggest. B12 deficiency and vitamin D deficiency can cause some of the symptoms (ironically, these deficiencies are pretty common with MS, but on their own, can cause some of the same things). Expect the neuro to do some blood tests to rule things out.

