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Contrary to Tradition, I Am NOT Wishing All a Happy New Year!

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    Contrary to Tradition, I Am NOT Wishing All a Happy New Year!

    I am NOT wishing everyone a Happy New Year! I'm wishing everyone a "prosperous and enlightening" 2011. To experience "living" in the new year vs. just getting by in day to day life. To recognize and take action on your "promptings" vs. missing them because of preoccupation. To express "gratitude and appreciation" to all those important in your life vs. taking them for granted.

    2011, the year of "designing your life" vs. just making a living.

    Living, in spite of adversity. That is my sincere wish to all of you this new year.
    Craig Mattice~Living Life On My Terms~
    No Excuses No Regrets!

    Richmond, VA USA

    Well said!

    I'll take your wish over a simple 'Happy New Year' ANY day. Thank you, and may you have the same.


      I'm concerned, Craig--I hope you aren't too uncomfortable sleeping in that pirate's chest with all the doubloons and rubies and emeralds--because you are one of the greatest treasures of all I always look forward to your uplifting, positive posts--approaching the new year with an attitude of gratitude is definitely the way to go.


        Well said my dear..well said!

        May YOU continue to realize your purpose at this time in YOUR life..may you know how well you are appreciated and adored~

        Warmly, Jan
        I believe in miracles~!
        2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
        Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


          I was diagnosed a year ago this month and have been an active reader yet have never posted. I just had to now...
          My reply to your post is my first and I just wanted to say--YOU ARE AMAZING! Simply inspiring.
          Happy New Year 2011!



            You are amazing, Craig. Thanks for your wishes and I'm sincerely sending them right back towards you!

            Peaceful ways and days,
            1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
            Administrator Message Boards/Moderator



              If I could jump through here I would just to give you a big hug!
              I may have MS but MS does not have me!

