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What is Normal?

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    What is Normal?

    Now here is a word many, even non-MSers have problems

    As MSers we, or at least most MSers have learned what was NORMAL last year, last month or even yesterday is not Normal today..well not OUR Normal anyway.

    The Problem is not the word Normal itself. Now let me explain EXACTLY what Normal is, then I shall get to the REAL problem of WHY people have such a difficult time definning the word normal

    NORMAL..according to Gomer;

    Normal is where a line or lines are drawn, and everything beyond is ABnormal.

    The Problem is NOT the word normal itself, the problem lies with WHO is drawing the line or lines.

    I draw my own lines........

    Do you Draw or move your lines?

    Doc Gomer Doctor of, Been There, Done That.

    hey doc,
    when i read the thread i laughed soooo hard!!!! my lines are all squigly and full of curves. i`ve always believed there is no 'normal' in life. just life itself. (paraphrased val kilmer from 'tombstone')

    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      The normal family size is 3.14 people, how many normal families do you know?

      To me normal means boring and uneventful and that that is surely not the meaning of life.
      Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.


        Normal to me means - just the ordinary- nothing unusual. Same old, same old. Nothing that makes me laugh and kick up my heels! As if I could lift up my heels, he-he


          Unfortunately "normal" for me probably meant "taken for granted"

          Doesn't mean that any more.


            Lines, what lines? Isn't that for coloring books?

            I am not sure I would recognize normal if it snuck up on me!
            Falling down is easy... getting up not so much


              Awesome thread.

              Normal, it's been so long since I fit into that mold that I'm not sure what it might be. I'm so short (well under 5') that I've never been normal and sometimes I think that learning to deal with the jokes (how is the weather down there), sometimes even from complete strangers, has given me the best tool of all for getting along in life.
              What if trials of this life
              Are Your mercies in disguise?
              "Blessings; Laura Story"


                I submit there is no such thing as "normal." We as people and everything else just are. Who other than God has the power to define if there even is a "normal?" I don't believe anything on this planet is "normal" should you look close enough.

                Everything and everyone is unique in their own way, yet I accept all may have some similarities which cause the "appearance of normal."

                Accept and celebrate your uniqueness. Should other people not like it or agree, they have the freedom to get counseling.
                Craig Mattice~Living Life On My Terms~
                No Excuses No Regrets!

                Richmond, VA USA

